Intet billede af Hanne Frøkiær

Hanne Frøkiær


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Hanne Frøkiær is head of the Chemistry and Biochemistry group of the Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen.

Hanne Frøkiær obtained her PhD degree in biochemistry from DTU in 1991, and continued as assistant and subsequently associate professor at Biocentrum – DTU until 2008 where she moved to her present position. During her PhD she established the core facility in antibody production and immunochemistry. As associate professor at DTU, Hanne established the field of nutritional immunology and was from 2006-2008 head of Nutritional Immunology group at Biocentrum-DTU and head of the animal facility at Biocentrum-DTU. She has for more than 15 years been affiliated to DANAK as a technical QA inspector (ISO 17025 and GLP) of various biochemical/analytical laboratories.

Hanne Frøkiær’s main research interests lie within cellular immunology, and how microorganisms, microbial compounds, and dietary compounds interact and affect the immune system. Furthermore, how bioactive molecules in their natural matrix interact/affect cells and whole organisms. She has published more than 60 peer reviewed papers in international journals and given a high number of invited presentations at international and national meetings and courses.



1979 Graduated from Aurehøj Statsgymnasium.

1986 M.sci. in chemistry (civil engineer) from Technical University of Denmark.

1991 Ph.D. in biochemistry from Department of Biochemistry and Nutrition, Technical University of Denmark


  • Danish Ministery of Patents ( 1.10.86-31.11.87)
  • Research assistant, Dept. of Biochemistry and Nutrition, DTU (1.12.87- 31.05.91)
  • Post Doc., Dept. of Biochemistry and Nutrition, DTU (1.06.91- 31.12.93)
  • Assistant professor, Dept. of Biochemistry and Nutrition (1.01.94-31.12.96)
  • Associate professor, Biocentrum-DTU, Biochemistry and Nutrition Group (1.01.97-30.11.08)
  • Professor, Dept. for Basic Sciences and Environment, Life Faculty, Copenhagen University (01.12.08-
  • Maternal leaves 15.09.97-1.06.98 and 1.09.01-1.08.02

Main research activities:

Nutritional immunology: the effect of food components on the immune system, with special emphasis on microorganisms, lipids, and bioactive proteins, and their effects, singly or in combination, on cellular in vitro responses (dendritic cells, monocytes, Tcells, and NK cells; human and murine), in vivo and ex vivo upon feeding (animal studies and human intervention studies). Effect of food matrix on the immune response against food proteins. Production of antibodies and development of antibody-based analyses.

Scientific production: Approx. 70 peer reviewed papers and book chapters + over 200 abstract contributions (posters/oral communications) at national and international meetings .

Scientific, Teaching and administrative Assignments:

  • Head of the Biochemistry and Natural product group (approx 18 persons) at IGM, KU-Life, 2008-.
  • Head of the Nutritional Immunology Group (approx. 20 persons) in CBS, DTU Biosys, 2005-2008
  • Teaching areas: Nutrition, biochemistry, immunochemistry, immunology, biotechnology, and functional food.
  • PhD supervisor/co-supervisor: 22 PhD students , opponent for 10 PhD students .
  • Supervisor for 76 graduate and 27 bachelor students, examiner for 27 graduate/bachelor students
  • Responsible for the animal facility at DTU Biosys 2003-2008
  • Enrolled in the corps of censors at Copenhagen and Aalborg Universities 1997-.
  • Technical assessor, DANAK, GLP and ISO 17025, 1993-.
  • Visiting professor at University of Milan, Italy, 2005-
  • Reviewer of the research council of Austria and Norway.
  • Member of the steering committee of the Nutrigenomics Platform, 2005-
  • Member of Functional Food Network (Danish Industries), 2007-, the Danish Dairy Board, 2008, 'Sund Vækst' board, Øresund Food Network, 2008-2009 .

Selected recent publications:

  1. Weiss GM, Rasmussen S, Fink LN, Jarmer H, Nielsen, BN & H Frøkiær (2010): Bifidobacterium bifidum actively changes the gene expression profile induced by Lactobacillus acidophilus in murine dendtritic cells. Plos One, 5:e11065.
  2. Weiss, GM, Rasmussen S, Zeuthen LH, Nielsen BN, Jespersen L & H Frøkiær (2010): Lactobacillus acidophilus induces expression of virus defense genes in murinne dendritic cells by a TLR2 dependent mechanism . Immunology, Epub
  3. Zeuthen LH, Fink, LN, S.Metzdorff, M. B. Kristensen, T.R. Licht, C. Nellemann, H. Frøkiær (2010) Gene expression in foetal and neonatal intestinal primary epithelial cells after in vitro stimulation with E. coli Nissle and L. acidophilus NCFM. BMC Immunology.,2010 19;11(1):2.
  4. Fink, L.N.& H. Frøkiær (2008) : Dendritic cells from Peyer's patches and mesenteric lymph nodes differ from spleen dendritic cells in their response to commensal gut bacteri a. Scand.J.Immunol., 68:270-279.
  5. Zeuthen, LH, Fink, L.N. & H. Frøkiær(2008): Epithelial cells prime the immune response to an array of gut-derived commensals towards a tolerogenic phenotype through distinct actions of thymic stromal lymphopoietin and TGF -β, Immunology, 123: 197-208.
  6. Zeuthen, L.H., Fink, L & H Frøkiær (2008): TLR2 and NOD2 play divergent roles in the recognition of gut-derived lactobacillus and bifidobacteria in human and murine dendritic cells. Immunology, 124:489-502.
  7. Fink, L.N.& H. Frøkiær (2008) : Dendritic cells from Peyer's patches and mesenteric lymph nodes differ from spleen dendritic cells in their response to commensal gut bacteri a. Scand.J.Immunol., 68:270-279.
  8. Fink, L.N., Zeuthen, L. H., Ferlazzio, G. & H. Frøkiær (2007): Distinct gut bacteria differentially affect three types of human antigen-presenting cells and impact on natural killer- and T-cell responses. FEMS Immunol.Med.Microbiol .51:535-


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