title = "Using teacher training courses as levers for faculty educational development -an example from the University of Copenhagen",
keywords = "Former Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences",
author = "Christiansen, {Frederik V} and Rump, {Camilla {\O}sterberg} and Madsen, {Lene M{\o}ller}",
year = "2009",
language = "English",
isbn = "978–975–8401–67–3",
pages = "531--540",
editor = "Ayhan Bilsel and Garib, {Mehmet U.}",
booktitle = "Frontiers in Science Education Research Conference",
publisher = "Eastern Mediterranean University Press",
note = "Frontiers in Science Education Research Conference 22 - 24 March 2009, Famagusta, North Cyprus ; Conference date: 22-03-2009 Through 24-03-2009",