Nye mål for naturfagsundervisning i USA: vil vi samme vej i Danmark?

Translated title of the contribution: New objectives for science education in the USA - Should we go the same way in Denmark?


This analysis takes a look at the new USA “Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts and Core Ideas” from 2011, followed by work this year towards writing new standards. The framework is based on three essential pedagogical tenets. First is that science learning needs to use a developmental progression throughout schooling so that students continuously add to and revise what they know about science and what they can do to learn more. Second, the framework advocates a focus on just a few core concepts in science and engineering. The third goal is to consciously integrate learning science knowledge with the practices of scientific inquiry and engineering design. The analysis ends with a list of points from the US framework which could work as an
inspiration in a Danish context.
Translated title of the contributionNew objectives for science education in the USA - Should we go the same way in Denmark?
Original languageDanish
JournalMONA: Matematik- og Naturfagsdidaktik
Issue number3
Pages (from-to)56-69
Number of pages14
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2012


  • Faculty of Science
  • science education


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