Christoph Mikkel Janitzek Brygger

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Virus-like particles (VLP) represent an extremely useful molecular toolbox for the production of next-generation vaccines targeting the diseases society struggles with today. The dense, organized and repetitive surface structure of VLP are powerful triggers of the immune system, eliciting high tittered and long lasting antibody, as well as cellular responses. By attaching foreign proteins to the surface of VLP one can direct the immune system against the attached antigen.

At the Center for Medical Parasitology (CMP), I have been involved in developing fast, scalable and cost-effective technologies to produce potent VLP based vaccines against both infectious and noninfectious diseases. These highly versatile technologies take advantage of spontaneous isopeptide bond formation between protein/peptide bindingtag partners and allow for large and complex antigens to be displayed at high density on the VLP surface. This work includes but is not limited to molecular cloning, expressing and purifying VLPS and protein antigens, vaccine production, formulation, quality assessment (e.g. using electron microscopy), as well as immunizing and assessing the immune response generated employing various immuno-assays.

As a PhD candidate, my research focuses on further honing and exploring the existing VLP vaccine technologies used at CMP as well as demonstrate the wide applicability of these by developing vaccines against malaria and cervical cancer.


1. Education

2017 - now
PhD Candidate, University of Copenhagen (UCPH), Center for Medical Parasitology.

Title: ’Development of high efficacy vaccines based on novel virus like particle technologies’
Supervisors Morten Agertoug Nielsen, Ali Salanti and Adam Sander.

2012 – 2015
MSc in Human Biology, UCPH. Master Thesis completed at CMP) with highest possible grade (12) & weighted grade average of 11.6.

BSc in Biology-Biotechnology, UCPH. Bachelor Thesis completed with the highest possible grade (12) & weighted grade average of 10.3.

2. Current and recent employments

March 2015-  present Research Assistant at CMP, UCPH

April 2011- August 2012 Capacity Building Coordinator at Department of Virology, Statens Serum Institut with Placement at Bandim Health Project in Guinea Bissau

3. Scientific Focus and Research Skills

My Master’s thesis and job as a Research assistant have equipped me with extensive knowledge and skills revolving around cloning and producing proteins for use in Virus Like Particle (VLP) based vaccines and testing these in animal models. This includes, but is not limited to:

Expert knowledge in molecular cloning and protein engineering

  • Utilizing bioinformatic tools to retrieve antigen sequences as well as designing engineered Virus Like Particles (VLPs) and protein antigens compatible with VLP display
  • Designing protocols and executing experiments to clone engineered VLP and protein antigens

Expert knowledge in recombinant protein expression

  • Recombinant protein expression of VLP and protein antigens in a multitude of expression systems (E.coli, insect and mammalian cells)
  • Extensive experience in diverse protein purification methods (e.g. Immobilized Metal Affinity Purification, Ion Exchange- and Size Exclusion Chromatography). This includes pronounced knowledge in using the Äkta protein purification system.

Expert knowledge on malaria parasite biology and producing recombinant malaria proteins

  • Previous work included production of Circumsporozoite protein (CSP), which resulted in a first authorship in Malaria Journal and have granted me extensive theoretical and practical knowledge in malaria parasite biology
  • Extensive knowledge in production of other recombinant malaria proteins, including VAR2CSA, AMA-1, RH5 and Pfs25.

Virus Like Particle Production

  • Great prior experience with producing various Virus-Like Particles (HPV, AP205, JGMV, FR, CB and MS2) for vaccine use.

4. Honours

April 2016
Young Scientist's Award at the annual DSP/DSTMIH Spring Symposium

5. Other Qualifications

  • Laboratory Animal Science Course- FELASA Category C (2014)
  • Radioactive Isotopes and Ionizing Radiation (2014)

6. Patents

April 2015
Adam F. Sander, Ali Salanti, Thor Theander, Susan Thrane, Christoph Mikkel Janitzek, Mette Ørskov Agerbæk, Morten Agertoug Nielsen, Tobias Gustavson.
Virus-like particle based Vaccine delivery. ID: P3710DK01.

January 2015
Adam F. Sander, Ali Salanti, Thor Theander, Susan Thrane, Christoph Mikkel Janitzek, Mette Ørskov Agerbæk, Morten Agertoug Nielsen, Tobias Gustavson.
Virus-like particle with efficient epitope display. ID: P3710DK01.

November 2014
Adam F. Sander, Ali Salanti, Thor Theander, Susan Thrane, Christoph Mikkel Janitzek, Mette Ørskov Agerbæk, Morten Agertoug Nielsen, Tobias Gustavson.
Virus-like particle platform. ID: P3596DK00.

7. Language Proficiency

  • Danish, English and German (fluent written, oral and understanding)
  • Portuguese Creole (fluent written oral and understanding)
  • French (basic written, oral and understanding)

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being


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