Intet billede af Thomas Thymann

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Personlig profil

Kort præsentation

Academic profile, in brief

My general interest is development of animal models that can mimic various conditions in the human. There is a particular focus on the time around birth and weaning, which for both humans and animals are critical transitions for the organism. If birth and weaning take place prematurely it requires extra attention and clinical care to avoid pathological conditions like enteritis and other diseases. Premature birth is an increasing problem in the western world, and although clinical care is optimized it remains a big challenge to avoid postnatal complications for this particular patient group. In our research group we developed a preterm neonatal pig-model, that display similar symptoms as premature born human infants. Using this model we have studied how various nutritional regimens in early life can significantly affect mobidity and mortality after preterm birth. Likewise, if weaning from mothers milk to solid food takes place prematurely, - as may the case in developing countries, it can be associated with intestinal malfunction and inflammation. Combined with malnutrition, this increases morbidity and mortality. We aim to understand the physiological mechanisms that take place during this critical period and to identify good nutritional regimens that ease the transition to solid food.

Academic degrees

- 1996: Master of Science (Animal Science), LIFE, Copenhagen

- 2000: DVM, LIFE, Copenhagen

- 2006: Ph.D, LIFE, Copenhagen

Academic employment

- 2000: Veterinary practitioner, Dyrlægecentralen Sydvest A/S

- 2002: Ph.D. student, Dept. of Basic Animal and Veterinary Sciences, LIFE, Copenhagen

- 2006: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Human Nutrition, LIFE, Copenhagen

- 2009: Associate Professor, Dept. of Human Nutrition, LIFE, Copenhagen

Visiting scientific positions abroad (9-12 months)

- 1996: Visiting scholar, University of Illinois, USA

Ekspertise relateret til FN’s Verdensmål

I 2015 blev FN-landende enige om 17 Verdensmål til at standse fattigdom, beskytte planeten og sikre velstand for alle. Denne persons arbejde bidrager til følgende verdensmål:

  • Verdensmål 2 - Stop sult
  • Verdensmål 3 - Sundhed og trivsel


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