Billede af Henning Langberg

Henning Langberg

Cand Scient (Human biology), MBA, Direktør

  • Postboks 2099, Øster Farimagsgade 5 opg. B, 1014 København K


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Research in e-health and health promotion - CopenRehab


In CopenRehab our research is centeres around:

Motivation, Implementation and Innovation, translational research

The overall aim of CopenRehab is to design, implement, and evaluate innovative cost-effective e-health solutions. This will be done in a co-creation approach involving patients, citizens and healthcare professionals, and public and private healthcare stakeholders. The research will include mechanistic studies, as well as RCTs and feasibility studies in combination with data from cohorts and national databases.

The focus is:

1)     to rehabilitate patients with chronic conditions e.g. diabetes, COPD, mental disorders and musculo-skeletal diseases and senior citizens in order to improve physical and mental health, quality of life, health related parameters, and self-management.

2)     to promote health through physical activity

Ad 1) The research will primarily focus on screen-based and mobile devices solution in combination with various sensors to monitor physical activity and health-related parameters aiming at empowering and motivating patients to improved disease management. The projects include studies on patients with musculo-skeletal diseases, cardiovascular problems, diabetic, COPD and cancer patients in collaboration with clinical experts from the Region and Municipality of Copenhagen and researchers from the Department of Computer Sciences, and Technical University of Denmark. Monitoring systems and feedback solutions will be developed to motivate patients and citizens with the aim to improve compliance and sustain positive change in parameters such as physical activity, healthy diet, smoking cessation and alcohol withdrawal. Games-based rehabilitation and monitoring is used in order to enhance motivation and prolonged adherence to physical activity in elderly and patients with chronic lifestyle disease. Game-based telehealth offers the opportunity to build a motivation environment, which can be graded according to the target group’s ability.

Ad 2) Within the “Copenhagen Centre for Activity and Health Physical” physical activity is used to treat a variety of chronic diseases, including Type 2 diabetes, cancer, heart disease, lung disease and mental disorders. The idea is to transfer results from the basic science to clinical practice in Municipality of Copenhagen. The interventions are e.g. combined with sensors for feedback to improve the motivation and adherence to physical activity. Within the Centre for Healthy Ageing smaller cohorts will be investigated to understand the barriers to persistent physical activity in the elderly population. State-of-the-art technologies in combination with newly developed sensors, game-devises and monitors will be used to enhance the compliance and long-term adherence to increased physical activity in patients and elderly citizens.


  • Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • E-Health
  • Velfærdsteknologi
  • Fysisk aktivitet og sundhed
  • Rehabilitering i kronisk sygdom
  • OPI samarbejder
  • Motivation
  • Innovation
  • Diabetes
  • Implementering
  • CopenRehab
  • Sundhedsfremme


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