Gruppeterapi med unge voksne - opbrud og sammenhængskraft

Translated title of the contribution: Group-analysis with young adults.


    Methodologically, this article thematizes the relationship between group-analysis and writing, specifically based on case notes from a young-adult therapeutic group. The purpose is to demonstrate the potential for systematization, communication and research for therapists working with therapeutic groups. Furthermore, the purpose is to reduce the distance between research and clinical practice - often regarded as each others' opposites, which is potentially damaging for both disciplines.

    Therapeutically, the article focuses on the relationship between the motivation of the members of the group and the frame and rules of the group, and the impact of this relationship on the therapeutic processes in the group. Through description and analysis of specific situations, which are conceived as decisive for the process of the group, it is shown how this group with young adults seems highly sensitive to the frame and rules of the group, and especially disruptions of the frame.

    In a closing section the phases and development and in the group are related to the themes of motivation, diversity, and counter-transference.


    Keywords: Group-analysis, writing, young adults, frame, drop-outs, counter-transference.

    Translated title of the contributionGroup-analysis with young adults.
    Original languageDanish
    Issue number1
    Pages (from-to)60-77
    Number of pages18
    Publication statusPublished - 2010


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