Research output per year
Research output per year
Øster Farimagsgade 2A, 1350 København K
Research activity per year
1.8.1956 in Copenhagen.
Current position:
2005- |
Associate professor, Dept. of Psychology, University of Copenhagen |
Previous positions:
2001-2004 |
Assistant professor, Dept. of Psychology, University of Copenhagen |
1998-2001 |
Ph.d.-student at Dept. of Psychiatry, Hvidovre Hospital, Copenhagen |
1996-1998 |
Clinical psychologist, Dept. of Psychiatry, Hvidovre Hospital, Copenhagen |
1993-1996 |
Postgradute training as clinical psychologist at Dept. of Psychology, University of Copenhagen, |
Administration and evaluation experience
Member of the local Ethical Committee at Dept. of Psychology, 2015-
Member of the Steering Committee for NORTRAS, The Nordic Psychotherapy Training Study, 2015 -
Chairman of the assessment committee on Rita Fjeldsteds Ph.d. thesis, 2014-2015.
Member of the assessment committee on Birgitte Pedersens Ph.d. thesis (AAU), 2015-2016.
Local coordinator of the SPRISTAD (Society of Psychotherapy Research Interest Section on Therapists Training and Development)-study: An international study of psychotherapy trainees development, 2014-
Coordinator of the University Clinic, Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen, 2012 -
Coordinator of the External Practicum Programme at Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen, 2010 -
Psykoterapi; supervision, faglig udvikling og terapeutens psykologi; personlighedsforstyrrelser; skizofreni og formelle tankeforstyrrelser; Rorschachtesten og formelle tankefostyrrelser; psykoanalyse og psykoanalytisk psykoterapi; klinisk udredning, vurdering og assesment; gruppeanalyse og gruppeterapi;
Læreprocesser i supervision
Der er tale om et forskningsprojekt, hvis formål er at beskrive, afgrænse og definere centrale funktioner i supervisionsprocessen. Fokus vil ligge på indkredsning af læreprocesser i supervision. Første led i projektet vil derfor være af teoretisk og konceptuel art for at skabe overblik over supervision som forskningsområde, bl.a. via litteratursøgning. På baggrund heraf skal der foretages en udvælgelse af funktioner og psykologiske processer, der må antages at spille en væsentlig rolle for supervision, og som kommer til at indgå i projektets empiriske del.
Projektets anden del, udvikling af metoder til brug for empirisk undersøgelse, gennemføres i samarbejde med nordiske kolleger i NORTRAS. Dermed bliver det muligt rent empirisk at belyse supervisionsprocesserne udfra forskellige perspektiver, hvor bl.a. erfaring indgår som central faktor. Desuden kan spørgsmål omhandlende individuel- og gruppesupervision belyses udfra denne model. Projektets empiriske del vil kunne udvides ved at inddrage eksterne behandlingsenheder, hvor supervision indgår som en integreret del af behandlingsarbejdet.
Stikord: Læreprocesser, supervision, kompetenceudvikling, opbygning af og vedligeholdelse af kliniske færdigheder.
Mere information: Jan Nielsen / 35 32 49 25 / [email protected]
Research fields
Research group memberships
Research: brief description
My main research interest is supervision, training and psychotherapy. My present research focuses on therapists variables, i.e. what kind of training, supervision, experience, theoretical orientation, personal therapy, etc., therapists are influenced by, and how it effects their professional identity and work with clients. Results from psychotherapy research show that contribution from the therapist is critical for outcome, it follows that the study of the many variables represented by the therapist (i.e. age, sex, experience, training, theoretical orientation etc.) plays a central role in the efforts to enhance the effect of psychotherapy.
During 2009 to 2011 our former research group ‘Centre for Supervision’ conducted a survey among almost 400 Danish clinical psychologists with the DPCCQ questionnaire developed by Orlinsky, Rønnestad et al. from the Society for Psychotherapy Research. Results from the Danish survey has now been integrated with more than 20 other national surveys in a database with information from more than 11.000 psychotherapist worldwide. Results from the Danish survey has been reported in Nordic Psychology (Nielsen et al. 2012, and Jacobsen et al. 2012), and in the Journal for the Danish Psychological Association (‘Psykolog Nyt’), among others. The Danish Psychological Association strongly supported the survey, since it focused on professional identity, working condition etc. among psychologists. Our main contribution to the survey was on supervision.
As mentioned above, our research has until recently focused on themes as therapists´ development, training and supervision in general (The Danish DPCCQ-study). Now we are looking more specifically at novice therapists /psychologists in The Nordic Training Study (NORTRAS), studying psychology students first experiences with clients. One aspects of this study is to follow the (triadic) interaction and development of the novices as therapists with clients, as supervisees in supervision with their supervisors, and as participants in their supervision groups.
As psychotherapy research has demonstrated a significant correlation between the therapeutic alliance and outcome, it is of great interest to study to what extent supervision can help novice therapists making better/stronger alliances with their clients. In other words: how can the supervisory alliance influence the therapeutic alliance? Focusing at the supervisory alliance makes good sense when looking at the results of research on supervision, since until now it has not been possible to demonstrate a direct effect of supervision on client-outcome (except from Bambling et al. 2006). Thus future research should focus more on the interaction between supervisory- and therapeutic alliance. While group supervision is a prominent format of supervision, supervisory alliance in group supervision candidates to be one of the main points of interests, when new research projects are planned. This is the present focus of the NORTRAS study for our research group in Copenhagen, submitting a review entitled “Group supervision as psychotherapy training method - an updated review of the research” later this year (Pedersen, S.H., Mathiesen, B.B., & Nielsen, J., 2015).
Current research projects
Selected publications
Pedersen, S.H., Mathiesen, B.B., & Nielsen, J. (2015). Group supervision as psychotherapy training method - an updated review of the research. In preparation to The Clinical Supervisor (to be submitted Nov. 2015).
Nielsen, J., Jacobsen, C. H., & Mathiesen, B. B. (2013). Novice supervisors´ tasks and training. Paper presented at SPR´s International Conference on Psychotherapy Research. Brisbane, Australia, July 2013.
Nielsen, J., Jacobsen, C. H., & Mathiesen, B. B. (2012). Novice supervisors´ tasks and training – a descriptive study. Nordic Psychology, 64, 182-191.
Jacobsen, C. H., Nielsen, J., & Orlinsky. D. E. (2012). Danish Psychologists as Psychotherapists: Professional, Demographic and Personal Characteristics, and Change in Theoretical Orientations. Nordic Psychology, 64, 168-181.
Nielsen, J. (2011). Clinical Supervision in Denmark – perspectives on supervisees and supervisors competencies and professional development. Paper presented at Nordic Conference on Research Network: ‘Supervision and Psychotherapy in Dialogue’. Stockholm, Sweden, October 2011.
Jacobsen, C.H., & Nielsen, J. (2011): Clinical Supervision in Denmark: Results from the Danish DPCCQ study of supervision. Paper presented at SPR´s International Conference on Psychotherapy Research. Bern, Scwitzerland, June 2011.
Nielsen, J., Luggin, R., Thygesen, B., & Aagaard, S. (2009): The Use of Substitutes – Continuity and the-Group-as-a-Whole. Group Analysis, 42, 361-375.
Nielsen, J., & Frølund, L. (2009): The reflective meta-dialogue in psychodynamic supervision. Nordic Psychology, 61, 85 – 105.
Nielsen, J., & Jacobsen, C.H. (2009): Nordic Perspectives on Supervision and Supervision Research. Nordic Psychology, 61, 1-3.
Research output: Contribution to conference › Paper › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to conference › Conference abstract for conference › Research › peer-review
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Book chapter › Communication
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Book chapter › Communication
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Communication
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Book chapter › Research
Research output: Book/Report › Book › Research
Nielsen, J. (Other), Mathiesen, B. B. (Other), Lunn, S. (Other), Rettig Lauritzen, L. (Other) & Poulsen, S. B. (Other)
Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
Nielsen, J. (Other)
Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
Nielsen, J. (Lecturer)
Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
Nielsen, J. (Lecturer)
Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution