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1983 …2019

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John Nielsen holds an MSc and PhD from University of Copenhagen, was assistant professor at the same department. Later, John Nielsen was associate professor at the Department of Chemistry at the Technical University of Denmark until he moved to his current position, now as full professor in Medicinal Chemistry at UCPH. John Nielsen has been post-doc or visiting scientist/professor at several universities and research institutions including University of Leiden, Holland; University of Colorado at Boulder The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla; Stanford, University of Regensburg, Germany and Tokyo Institute of Technology.


His main research interests are design, synthesis or isolation of bioactive compounds to answer important questions in biology, drug discovery and medicine. These tool compounds or chemical probes are generated by chemical synthesis, in parallel or by combinatorial methodologies. Recent achievements comprise bioisosteric replacements and new methods in fluorination chemistry. His research is mainly experimental and therefore requires access to well-functioning laboratories with fume hoods and high-caliber infrastructure. The list of publication includes 120 numbers plus an addition 18 patents or patent applications.


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