Using data for argumentation – formal and informal use of data in your work:: Strategies for making sense of data

Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution


PhD students need to explore and understand various nuances of their quantitative data as it begins to accumulate and they begin their analyses. However, they are sometimes hesitant to explore their data because the statistical procedures they believe they need to use are often new to them and remotely abstract. The goal of this perspective of The Using Data for Argumentation workshop is to allow students to experience how it feels to make sense of data from two different points of view in order for them to gain confidence in exploring their own data in order to fully realize its potential and limitations. One perspective will be a look at group differences and how thoughtful grouping of data and exploratory ANOVAs can provide useful insights. The other view will be with linear regression analysis in which the relative usefulness of various forms of data are discovered.
Period22 Aug 201627 Aug 2016
Event titleESERA sUMMERSCHOOL 2016
Event typeConference
LocationČeské Budějovice, Czech RepublicShow on map
