Billede af Tijs Slaats

Publikationer pr. år


  • 2019

    Declarative Choreographies and Liveness

    Hildebrandt, T. T., Slaats, T., López, H. A., Debois, S. & Carbone, M., 2019, Formal Techniques for Distributed Objects, Components, and Systems - 39th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, FORTE 2019, held as part of the 14th International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques, DisCoTec 2019, Proceedings. Pérez, J. A. & Yoshida, N. (red.). Springer, s. 129-147 19 s. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Bind 11535 LNCS).

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review

  • Discovering Responsibilities with Dynamic Condition Response Graphs

    Nekrasaite, V., Parli, A. T., Back, C. O. & Slaats, T., 3 jun. 2019, Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 31st International Conference, CAiSE 2019, Rome, Italy, June 3–7, 2019, Proceedings. Giorgini, P. & Weber, B. (red.). 31 udg. Springer, s. 595-610 15 s. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Bind 11483).

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review

    2 Citationer (Scopus)
  • Entropy as a Measure of Log Variability

    Back, C. O., Debois, S. & Slaats, T., 1 jun. 2019, I: Journal on Data Semantics. 8, 2, s. 129–156 28 s.

    Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

    1 Citationer (Scopus)
  • Evaluating the Understandability of Hybrid Process Model Representations Using Eye Tracking: First Insights

    Abbad Andaloussi, A., Slaats, T., Burattin, A., Hildebrandt, T. T. & Weber, B., 2019, Business Process Management Workshops - BPM 2018 International Workshops, Revised Papers. Daniel, F., Sheng, Q. Z. & Motahari, H. (red.). Springer, s. 475-481 7 s. (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Bind 342).

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review

    6 Citationer (Scopus)
  • Exploring the Understandability of a Hybrid Process Design Artifact Based on DCR Graphs

    Abbad Andaloussi, A., Burattin, A., Slaats, T., Petersen, A. C. M., Hildebrandt, T. T. & Weber, B., 2019, Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling - 20th International Conference, BPMDS 2019, 24th International Conference, EMMSAD 2019, Held at CAiSE 2019, Proceedings. Gulden, J., Reinhartz-Berger, I., Zdravkovic, J. & Schmidt, R. (red.). Springer, s. 69-84 (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Bind 352).

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review

    8 Citationer (Scopus)
  • Imperative versus Declarative Process Mining: An Empirical Comparison

    Back, C. O., Debois, S. & Slaats, T., 2019, (Under udarbejdelse).

    Publikation: Working paperForskning

    59 Downloads (Pure)
  • 2018

    5th International Workshop on Declarative/Decision/Hybrid Mining and Modeling for Business Processes (DeHMiMoP’17)

    Vanthienen, J., Di Ciccio, C., Reijers, H. A., Slaats, T., Schunselaar, D. & Debois, S., 2018, Business Process Management Workshops: BPM 2017 International Workshops, Barcelona, Spain, September 10–11, 2017, Revised Papers. Teniente, E. & Weidlich, M. (red.). Springer, s. 526-541 (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Bind 308).

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningpeer review

  • Blockchains for Business Process Management - Challenges and Opportunities

    Mendling, J., Weber, I., van der Aalst, W., Brocke, J. V., Cabanillas, C., Daniel, F., Debois, S., Di Ciccio, C., Dumas, M., Dustdar, S., Gal, A., Garcia-Banuelos, L., Governatori, G., Hull, R., La Rosa, M., Leopold, H., Leymann, F., Recker, J., Reichert, M. & Reijers, H. A. & 12 flere, Rinderle-Ma, S., Solti, A., Rosemann, M., Schulte, S., Singh, M. P., Slaats, T., Staples, M., Weber, B., Weidlich, M., Weske, M., Xu, X. & Zhu, L., feb. 2018, I: ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems. 9, 1, 16 s., 4.

    Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

    208 Citationer (Scopus)
  • Collaboration among Adversaries: Distributed Workflow Execution on a Blockchain

    Madsen, M. F., Gaub, M., Høgnason, T., Kirkbro, M. E., Slaats, T. & Debois, S., 2018. 8 s.

    Publikation: KonferencebidragPaperForskning

    366 Downloads (Pure)
  • Mining Hybrid Business Process Models: A Quest for Better Precision

    Schunselaar, D. M. M., Slaats, T., Maggi, F. M., Reijers, H. A. & Van Der Aalst, W. M. P., 2018, Business Information Systems: 21st International Conference, BIS 2018 Berlin, Germany, July 18–20, 2018 Proceedings. Abramowicz, W. & Paschke, A. (red.). Springer, s. 190-205 16 s. (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Bind 320).

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review

    6 Citationer (Scopus)
  • Open to change: A theory for iterative test-driven modelling

    Slaats, T., Debois, S. & Hildebrandt, T., 2018, Business Process Management - 16th International Conference, BPM 2018, Proceedings. Montali, M., Weber, I., Weske, M. & vom Brocke, J. (red.). Springer, s. 31-47 17 s. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Bind 11080 LNCS).

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review

    5 Citationer (Scopus)
  • Replication, refinement & reachability: complexity in dynamic condition-response graphs

    Debois, S., Hildebrandt, T. T. & Slaats, T., 1 sep. 2018, I: Acta Informatica. 55, s. 489–520

    Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

    8 Citationer (Scopus)
  • RESEDA: Declaring live event-driven computations as reactive semi-structured data

    Costa Seco, J., Debois, S., Hildebrandt, T. & Slaats, T., 14 nov. 2018, Proceedings - 2018 IEEE 22nd International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference, EDOC 2018. IEEE, s. 75-84 10 s. 8536151

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review

    4 Citationer (Scopus)
  • Towards an Empirical Evaluation of Imperative and Declarative Process Mining

    Back, C. O., Debois, S. & Slaats, T., 2018, Advances in Conceptual Modelling: ER 2018 Workshops Emp-ER, MoBiD, MREBA, QMMQ, SCME Xi’an, China, October 22–25, 2018 Proceedings. Springer, s. 191-198 8 s. Chapter 24. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Bind 11158).

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review

    5 Citationer (Scopus)
  • Towards an Entropy-Based Analysis of Log Variability

    Back, C. O., Debois, S. & Slaats, T., 2018, Business Process Management Workshops: BPM 2017 International Workshops, Barcelona, Spain, September 10–11, 2017, Revised Papers. Teniente, E. & Weidlich, M. (red.). Springer, s. 53-70 (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Bind 308).

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningpeer review

    3 Citationer (Scopus)
    45 Downloads (Pure)
  • 2017

    Managing complexity in process digitalisation with dynamic condition response graphs

    Hildebrandt, T., Debois, S., Slaats, T. & Marquard, M., 2017, BIR-WS 2017: pre-BIR Forum, BIR Workshops and Doctoral Consortium 2017. Johansson, B. (red.)., 8 s. (CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Bind 1898).

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review

    1 Citationer (Scopus)
  • The DCR graphs process portal

    Debois, S., Hildebrandt, T., Marquard, M. & Slaats, T., 2017, Proceedings - BPM 2016 Demonstration Track: Demonstration Track of the 14th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2016) Rio de Janeiro, September 21, 2016. Azevedo, L. G. & Cabanillas, C. (red.). s. 7-11 5 s. (CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Bind 1789).

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review

    67 Downloads (Pure)
  • 2016

    Deriving consistent GSM schemas from DCR graphs

    Eshuis, R., Debois, S., Slaats, T. & Hildebrandt, T., 2016, Service-oriented computing: 14th International Conference, ICSOC 2016, Banff, AB, Canada, October 10-13, 2016, Proceedings. Sheng, Q. Z., Stroulia, E., Tata, S. & Bhiri, S. (red.). Springer, s. 467-482 16 s. (Lecture notes in computer science, Bind 9936).

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review

    7 Citationer (Scopus)
  • Forms are declarative processes!

    Marquard, M., Debois, S., Slaats, T. & Hildebrandt, T., 2016. 16 s.

    Publikation: KonferencebidragPaperForskning

    105 Downloads (Pure)
  • The semantics of hybrid process models

    Slaats, T., Schunselaar, D. M. M., Maggi, F. M. & Reijers, H. A., 2016, On the move to meaningful internet systems: OTM 2016 conferences: confederated international conferences: CoopIS, C&TC, and ODBASE 2016, Rhodes, Greece, October 24-28, 2016, Proceedings. Debruyne, C., Panetto, H., Meersman, R., Dillon, T., Kühn, E., O'Sullivan, D. & Ardagna, C. A. (red.). Springer, s. 531-551 21 s.

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review

    16 Citationer (Scopus)
    126 Downloads (Pure)
  • 2015

    Bridging the valley of death: a success story on Danish funding schemes paving a path from technology readiness Level 1 to 9

    Debois, S., Hildebrandt, T., Slaats, T. & Marquard, M., 19 aug. 2015, Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Software Engineering Research and Industrial Practice. IEEE, s. 54-57 4 s.

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review

    5 Citationer (Scopus)
  • Concurrency and asynchrony in declarative workflows

    Debois, S., Hildebrandt, T. & Slaats, T., 2015, Business Process Management: 13th International Conference, BPM 2015; Innsbruck; Austria; 31 August 2015 through 3 September 2015. Recker, J., Weidlich, M. & Motahari-Nezhad, H. R. (red.). Springer, s. 72-89 18 s. (Lecture notes in computer science, Bind 9253).

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review

    11 Citationer (Scopus)
  • Flexible process notations for cross-organizational case management systems

    Slaats, T., 2015, IT-Universitetet i København. 275 s.

    Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportPh.d.-afhandling

  • Hybrid process technologies in the financial sector

    Debois, S., Hildebrandt, T., Marquard, M. & Slaats, T., 2015, BPM-Industry 2015: proceedings of the Industry Track at the 13th International Conference on Business Process Management 2015 co-located with 13th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2015). Mendling, J. & vom Brocke, J. (red.). s. 107-119 13 s. (CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Bind 1439).

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningpeer review

  • Safety, liveness and run-time refinement for modular process-aware information systems with dynamic sub processes

    Debois, S., Hildebrandt, T. & Slaats, T., 2015, FM 2015: Formal Methods: 20th International Symposium, Oslo, Norway, June 24-26, 2015, Proceedings. Bjørner, N. & de Boer, F. (red.). Springer, s. 143-160 18 s. (Lecture notes in computer science, Bind 9109).

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review

    22 Citationer (Scopus)
  • The analysis of a real life declarative process

    Debois, S. & Slaats, T., 2015, 2015 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence. IEEE, s. 1374-1382 9 s.

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningpeer review

    11 Citationer (Scopus)
  • Web-based modelling and collaborative simulation of declarative processes

    Marquard, M., Shahzad, M. & Slaats, T., 2015, Business Process Management: 13th International Conference, BPM 2015, Innsbruck, Austria, August 31 -- September 3, 2015, Proceedings. Motahari-Nezhad, H. R. & Weidlich, M. (red.). Springer, s. 209-225 17 s.

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review

    22 Citationer (Scopus)
  • 2014

    A case for declarative process modelling: agile development of a grant application system.

    Debois, S., Hildebrandt, T., Slaats, T. & Marquard, M., 2 dec. 2014, 2014 IEEE 18th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference Workshops and Demonstrations (EDOCW). IEEE, s. 126-133 8 s.

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review

    18 Citationer (Scopus)
  • Hierarchical declarative modelling with refinement and sub-processes

    Debois, S., Hildebrandt, T. & Slaats, T., 2014, Business Process Management: 12th International Conference, BPM 2014, Haifa, Israel, September 7-11, 2014. Proceedings. Sadiq, S., Soffer, P. & Völzer, H. (red.). Springer, s. 18-33 16 s. (Lecture notes in computer science, Bind 8659).

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review

    16 Citationer (Scopus)
  • The automated discovery of hybrid processes

    Maggi, F. M., Slaats, T. & Reijers, H. A., 2014, Business Process Management: 12th International Conference, BPM 2014, Haifa, Israel, September 7-11, 2014. Proceedings. Sadiq, S., Soffer, P. & Völzer, H. (red.). Springer, s. 392-399 8 s. (Lecture notes in computer science, Bind 8659).

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review

    34 Citationer (Scopus)
  • Type checking liveness for collaborative processes with bounded and unbounded recursion

    Debois, S., Hildebrandt, T., Slaats, T. & Yoshida, N., 2014, Formal Techniques for Distributed Objects, Components, and Systems: 34th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, FORTE 2014, Held as Part of the 9th International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques, DisCoTec 2014, Berlin, Germany, June 3-5, 2014. Proceedings. Ábrahám, E. & Palamidessi, C. (red.). Springer, s. 1-16 16 s. (Lecture notes in computer science, Bind 8461).

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review

    4 Citationer (Scopus)
  • 2013

    Contracts for cross-organizational workflows as timed dynamic condition response graphs

    Hildebrandt, T., Mukkamala, R. R., Slaats, T. & Zanitti, F., 2013, I: Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming. 82, 5-7, s. 164-185 22 s.

    Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftKonferenceartikelForskningpeer review

    34 Citationer (Scopus)
  • CPN Tools 4: a process modeling tool combining declarative and imperative paradigms

    Westergaard, M. & Slaats, T., 2013, Proceedings of the BPM Demo sessions 2013: co-located with 11th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM2013). Fauvet, M.-C. & van Dongen, B. (red.). 5 s. (CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Bind 1021).

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review

  • Declarative modeling–an academic dream or the future for BPM?

    Reijers, H. A., Slaats, T. & Stahl, C., 2013, Business Process Management: 11th International Conference, BPM 2013, Beijing, China, August 26-30, 2013. Proceedings. Daniel, F., Wang, J. & Weber, B. (red.). Springer, s. 307-322 16 s. (Lecture notes in computer science, Bind 8094).

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningpeer review

    48 Citationer (Scopus)
  • Dynamic condition response graphs for trustworthy adaptive case management

    Hildebrandt, T., Marquard, M., Mukkamala, R. R. & Slaats, T., 2013, On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2013 Workshops: Confederated International Workshops: OTM Academy, OTM Industry Case Studies Program, ACM, EI2N, ISDE, META4eS, ORM, SeDeS, SINCOM, SMS, and SOMOCO 2013, Graz, Austria, September 9 - 13, 2013, Proceedings. Demey, Y. T. & Panetto, H. (red.). Springer, s. 166-171 6 s. (Lecture notes in computer science, Bind 8186).

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningpeer review

    6 Citationer (Scopus)
  • Exformatics declarative case management workflows as DCR graphs

    Slaats, T., Mukkamala, R. R., Hildebrandt, T. & Marquard, M., 2013, Business Process Management: 11th International Conference, BPM 2013, Beijing, China, August 26-30, 2013. Proceedings. Daniel, F., Wang, J. & Weber, B. (red.). Springer, s. 339-354 16 s. (Lecture notes in computer science, Bind 8094).

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review

    34 Citationer (Scopus)
  • Live sessions with responses

    Carbone, M., Hildebrandt, T. & Slaats, T., 2013, Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Behavioural Types: BEAT'13. Bravetti, M., Dezani-Ciancaglini, M., Drossopoulou, S., Gay, S., Hüttel, H., Kobayashi, N., Ravara, A. & Rehof, J. (red.). s. 28-30 3 s.

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review

  • Mixing paradigms for more comprehensible models

    Westergaard, M. & Slaats, T., 2013, Business Process Management: 11th International Conference, BPM 2013, Beijing, China, August 26-30, 2013. Proceedings. Daniel, F., Wang, J. & Weber, B. (red.). Springer, s. 283-290 8 s. (Lecture notes in computer science, Bind 8094).

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningpeer review

    26 Citationer (Scopus)
  • Modular context-sensitive and aspect-oriented processes with dynamic condition response graphs

    Hildebrandt, T., Mukkamala, R. R., Slaats, T. & Zanitti, F., 2013, Proceedings of the 12th workshop on Foundations of Aspect-oriented Languages. Association for Computing Machinery, s. 19-24 6 s.

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review

    3 Citationer (Scopus)
  • Towards trustworthy adaptive case management with dynamic condition response graphs

    Mukkamala, R. R., Hildebrandt, T. & Slaats, T., 2013, 2013 17th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC). IEEE, s. 127-136 10 s.

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review

    23 Citationer (Scopus)
  • 2012

    Declarative modelling and safe distribution of healthcare workflows

    Hildebrandt, T., Mukkamala, R. R. & Slaats, T., 2012, Foundations of Health Informatics Engineering and Systems: First International Symposium, FHIES 2011, Johannesburg, South Africa, August 29-30, 2011. Revised Selected Papers. Liu, Z. & Wassyng, A. (red.). Springer, s. 39-56 18 s. (Lecture notes in computer science, Bind 7151).

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningpeer review

    10 Citationer (Scopus)
  • Nested dynamic condition response graphs

    Hildebrandt, T., Mukkamala, R. R. & Slaats, T., 2012, Fundamentals of Software Engineering: 4th IPM International Conference, FSEN 2011, Tehran, Iran, April 20-22, 2011, Revised Selected Papers. Arbab, F. & Sirjani, M. (red.). Springer, s. 343-350 8 s. (Lecture notes in computer science, Bind 7141).

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review

    38 Citationer (Scopus)
  • 2011

    A formal approach to distributed coordination of healthcare workflows

    Hildebrandt, T., Mukkamala, R. R. & Slaats, T., 2011, Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Infrastructures for Healthcare: global healthcare. Bjørn, P., Kensing, F. & Christensen, L. R. (red.). IT-Universitetet i København, s. 31-36 6 s.

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskning

  • Designing a cross-organizational case management system using dynamic condition response graphs

    Hildebrandt, T., Mukkamala, R. R. & Slaats, T., 2011, 2011 15th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC). IEEE, s. 161-170 10 s.

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review

    23 Citationer (Scopus)
  • Safe distribution of declarative processes

    Hildebrandt, T., Mukkamala, R. R. & Slaats, T., 2011, Software Engineering and Formal Methods: 9th International Conference, SEFM 2011, Montevideo, Uruguay, November 14-18, 2011. Proceedings. Barthe, G., Pardo, A. & Schneider, G. (red.). Springer, s. 237-252 16 s. (Lecture notes in computer science, Bind 7041).

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningpeer review

    18 Citationer (Scopus)
  • 2008

    Computer supported mobile adaptive business processes for 3gERP systems

    Hildebrandt, T., Glenstrup, A. J., Bundgaard, M., Højsgaard, E., Hallwyl, T., Slaats, T., Nilsson, M. & Schmidt, K., 2008. 9 s.

    Publikation: KonferencebidragPaperForskning