title = "The creolization of Medicine.: Perceptions and policies of Health and Medicine in the Danish-Norwegian West Indies, 1750-1850.",
keywords = "Faculty of Humanities, Dansk Vestindien, Medicinhistorie",
author = "Jensen, {Niklas Thode}",
note = "Peer Reviewed; The Sixth Bergen Workshop on the history of health and medicine: Citizens, Courtrooms, Crossings. ; Conference date: 17-04-2008 Through 18-04-2008",
year = "2008",
language = "English",
isbn = "978-82-8095-062-8",
volume = "10",
pages = "175--182",
editor = "Astri Andresen and Tore Gr{\o}nlie and William Hubbard and Teemu Ryymin and {Atle Sk{\aa}lev{\aa}g}, Svein",
booktitle = "Citizens, Courtrooms, Crossings. Conference Proceedings.",
publisher = "Stein Rokkans senter for flerfaglige samfunnsstudier",