Submikroskopiske kromosomanomalier som årsag til skizofreni

Translated title of the contribution: Submicroscopic chromosomal anomalies as a cause of schizophrenia

Thomas Hansen, Andrés Ingason, Thomas Werge


    Although the inheritable nature of schizophrenia is well-established, the genetic underpinnings remain largely hidden. Recently, two independent research groups identified microdeletions conferring high risk of schizophrenia. The deletions are recurrent in nature and offer an explanation to the apparently stable prevalence of the disease, despite reduced fecundity in patients. The findings may lead to development of diagnostic tools and construction of new disease models to help the development of novel therapeutic strategies.
    Translated title of the contributionSubmicroscopic chromosomal anomalies as a cause of schizophrenia
    Original languageDanish
    JournalUgeskrift for Laeger
    Issue number46
    Pages (from-to)3773-6
    Number of pages4
    Publication statusPublished - 2008


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