Joint spatial-depth feature pooling for RGB-D object classification

Hong Pan, Søren Ingvor Olsen, Yaping Zhu


RGB-D camera can provide effective support with additional depth cue for many RGB-D perception tasks beyond traditional RGB information. However, current feature representations based on RGB-D camera utilize depth information only to extract local features, without considering it for the improvement of robustness and discriminability of the feature representation by merging depth cues into feature pooling. Spatial pyramid model (SPM) has become the standard protocol to split 2D image plane into sub-regions for feature pooling in RGB-D object classification. We argue that SPM may not be the optimal pooling scheme for RGB-D images, as it only pools features spatially and completely discards the depth topological information. Instead, we propose a novel joint spatial-depth pooling scheme (JSDP) which further partitions SPM using the depth cue and pools features simultaneously in 2D image plane and the depth direction. Embedding the JSDP with the standard feature extraction and feature encoding modules, we achieve superior performance to the state-ofthe- art methods on benchmarks for RGB-D object classification and detection.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationImage analysis : 19th Scandinavian Conference, SCIA 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 15-17, 2015. Proceedings
EditorsRasmus R. Paulsen, Kim S. Pedersen
Number of pages13
Publication date2015
ISBN (Print)978-3-319-19664-0
ISBN (Electronic)978-3-319-19665-7
Publication statusPublished - 2015
EventScandinavian Conference, SCIA 2015 - Copenhagen, Denmark
Duration: 15 Jun 201517 Jun 2015
Conference number: 19


ConferenceScandinavian Conference, SCIA 2015
SeriesLecture notes in computer science


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