title = "Forest recreation in policy and legislation - a European comparison",
author = "Carsten Mann and Andreas Bernasconi and Sandra Gentin and Anne-Marie Granet and Jensen, {Frank S{\o}ndergaard} and Kerckhove, {Geert van} and Erodotus Kokouris and Eija Pouta and Urs Schroff",
year = "2008",
language = "English",
isbn = "978-951-40-2096-4",
pages = "35",
booktitle = "Forest Recreation & Tourism - Serving Urbanised Societies",
note = "Joint Final Conference of Forest for Recreation and Tourism (COST E33) and 11th European Forum on Urban Forestry (EFUF) ; Conference date: 28-05-2008 Through 31-05-2008",