Conceptual elements for a theory of visual political propaganda



    In this essay, I am primarily interested in the perspectives of those who construct the visual propaganda, that is, the propagandists. They constitute, so to speak, the supply-side of the propaganda process. The needs and wants of the audiences constitute the demand aspect. They want to be successful and, for it, they have a threefold task to perform: they must construct a marked difference between themselves, and their enemies, often in black-and-white terms; can also operate on another, slightly different assumption, namely that of a granfalloon, for example, diabolizing the enemy. Finally, they the enemy. Finally, they must portray yourselves as victims of the evil-doer, so that our own emands appear reasonable to a wider audience.

    Original languageEnglish
    JournalPsicologia Politica
    Issue number37
    Pages (from-to)101-117
    Number of pages17
    Publication statusPublished - 2008


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