Bioprotein til mink i vækst - indflydelse på protein- og energiomsætning

Anne Louise Frydendahl Hellwing, Anne-Helene Tauson, Øystein Ahlstrøm, Anders Skrede


    Bioptotein (BP) is a new high-quality protein source. BP has a high content of nuclei acid nitrogen. The objective of the study was therefore to estimate the effect of increasing dietary content of BP on the energy and protein metabolism in growing mink kits. Sixteen male mink kits of the standard brown genotype were randomly fed one of hte four diets. One of the diets was a control (M1) diet without BP. In the other diets increasing levels of fish meal were replaced with BP so 20% (M2), 40% (M3) and 60% (M4) of the digested nitrogen derived from BP. During the growth period 5 balance and respiration experiments were conducted. The animals were in their respective 10th (period 1), 15th (period 2), 18th (period 3), 24th (period 4) and 29th (period 5) week of life on the first day of the respective balance periods. The intake of feed was significantly lower on M4 than the other diets. The apparent digestibility of nitrogen, fat, carbohydrate and energy decreased when increasing levels of the diet derived from BP. The retention of nitrogen was highest on M3 and lowest on M4, but the difference was non-significant (P=0.06). The heat production was the same on all diets. The retention of energy was zero on M4, which was significantly lower than the other diets. It was concluded that the protein and energy metabolism remained unaffected when up to 40% of the digestible nitrogen derived from BP.
    Original languageDanish
    Title of host publicationFaglig Årsberetning 2006
    EditorsPeter Sandbøl
    Number of pages8
    PublisherPelsdyrerhvervets Forsøgs- og ForskningsCenter
    Publication date2007
    Publication statusPublished - 2007
    SeriesFaglig Årsberetning


    • Former LIFE faculty
    • bacterial protein
    • protein source
    • protein metabolism
    • energy metabolism
    • water metabolism

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