Arvelige cancersyndromer

Translated title of the contribution: [Hereditary cancer syndromes]


    Hereditary cancer syndromes are characterized by increased risk of cancers but other symptoms can also be seen. Germline mutations usually cause a high cancer risk but more moderate risk genes are being identified. A negative mutation screening cannot exclude a hereditary cancer syndrome, since it is not possible to analyse all genes. Genetic diagnostics are now part of clinical management and new technology such as next generation sequencing and high-throughput screening are being implemented in clinical settings. This will also impose new challenges such as identification and interpretation of mutations with unknown significance.
    Translated title of the contribution[Hereditary cancer syndromes]
    Original languageDanish
    JournalUgeskrift for Laeger
    Issue number34
    Pages (from-to)2035-8
    Number of pages4
    Publication statusPublished - Aug 2011


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