Peter Lundsgaard Hansen
  • Rolighedsvej 23

    1958 Frederiksberg C


Research activity per year

Personal profile

Short presentation

Peter Lundsgaard Hansen, teacher and Phd-fellow, Landscape Architecture and Planning, University of Copenhagen.  Peter is educated as a Landscape Architect cand. hort. arch. from the University of Copenhagen and years of private practice experience, including his own office.

Peter’s research interests are connected to the field of design process and its methods and have always evolves around the craftsmanship of design studio practices. Most recent publications presents a specialized Design Conversation and is the result of years of didactic focus in the course Landscape Studio and has altered the way physical environment of the ‘classroom’ is used at the university.

Teaching and supervision

He is responsible for the MSc course: Landscape Studio since 2007 ( Furthermore he is supervisor on more than 50 master degree theses. Peter also teaches bachelor- and master degree courses such as Plants and Technology and Theory and Method in corporation with fellow colleagues at the department.

[email protected]


  • Faculty of Science


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