Heike Omerzu

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Primary fields of research

Gospel of Mark, Acts of the Apostles, Christology, Gender studies, History of Early Christianity, Graeco-Roman context of the New Testament, New Testament hermeneutics


high school diploma [Abitur], Duisburg (Germany)

1995 1. state examination in English & Theology, University of Duisburg (Germany)

1995-1997 research & teaching assistant (50 %), University of Duisburg (Germany)

1996-1998 research assistant DFG-project (50 %) "Jüdische Schriften aus hellenistisch-römischer Zeit", University of Tübingen (Germany)

1997-2002 research & teaching assistant, University of Mainz (Germany, teaching load: 4 hrs/week)

2002 Dr. theol., University of Mainz (Germany)

2002 Hanns-Lilje-Award, Göttinger Akademie der Wissenschaften

2002 Dissertation Award of Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz

2003-2009 Juniorprofessor of New Testament, University of Mainz (Germany)

2007 (spring) Stand-in professor of New Testament, University of Münster (Germany)

2008/2009 (autumn) Stand-in professor of New Testament, University of Munich (Germany)

2009- Professor of New Testament at the Faculty of Theology of Copenhagen University (Denmark)

Knowledge of languages

modern languages: German, English, Danish, reading skills of other nordic languages and French, Italian, Spanish

ancient languages: Greek, Latin, Hebrew


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