Personal profile

Short presentation

ResearcherID: B-4384-2010

Scopus ID: 8537073100


The study of human metabolism lies at the core of my research interests and activity. During the course of my career, I have been involved in research projects examining the effects of diet and exercise on various aspects of human health and disease. I have received funding from various bodies (USA: American Heart Association, Washington University in St Louis, NIH/NIDDK; Singapore: A*STAR, NMRC; Industry: NESTEC) to evaluate the effects of exercise, diet, obesity and weight gain/weight loss, sex differences, and fatty liver on energy and substrate metabolism, lipid and lipoprotein kinetics, and insulin sensitivity in skeletal muscle, liver, and adipose tissue. I like to think of myself as a “metabolist.” I joined the University of Copenhagen in August 2018 and I intend to keep generating novel scientific knowledge on the effects of diet and exercise on human health, by conducting innovative transdisciplinary research at the interface between biochemistry, metabolism, and physiology. I believe that diet and exercise provide two of the most potent intervention models to alter physiological and metabolic function, challenge systems and organs, and thereby help understand the mechanisms by which the body works and responds to external stimuli in order to maintain its normal function (i.e. health), as well as the mechanisms that fail and lead to abnormal body function (i.e. disease). My vision is to bring together and fuse different research expertise, and create a melting pot of different types of research – from clinical to basic research and anything in-between – to gain a deeper and better understanding of the mechanisms by which the human body works.

I make use of a variety of methodologies to assess human physiological function and metabolism in vivo, including the oral and intravenous glucose tolerance tests in conjunction with mathematical modeling to evaluate glucose tolerance, insulin sensitivity and pancreatic beta cell function (i.e. insulin secretion); the hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp technique in conjunction with stable isotope tracer infusions to evaluate whole-body and organ-specific (skeletal muscle, adipose tissue, liver) insulin action and substrate kinetics; dual X ray absorptiometry (DXA), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) to evaluate body composition, fat distribution and ectopic fat deposition; tissue biopsies to evaluate relevant cellular factors an dmolecular mechanisms; indirect and whole-body calorimetry to evaluate basal metabolic rate and diet- and exercise-induced thermogenesis; and others. I am not fixated on methods and tools per se, but rather on the physiological questions of interest. I utilize whichever method and tool can help answer the question I am asking. In recent years, my research has focused on understanding the effects of weight loss (Cell Metabolism & AJCN, 2016; Obesity, 2018) but also overfeeding and weight gain (Obesity, 2014; JCI, 2015) on insulin sensitivity, and delineate the underlying mechanisms for these effects.

Possible conflicts of interest



Updated: 15.09.2019

Personal info:
DOB: 19.04.1978
Gender: Male
Nationality: Greek

Education & degrees:
B.Sc. in Nutrition & Dietetics (2000)
M.Sc. in Exercise Physiology, Nutrition & Metabolism (2004)
Ph.D. in Lipid Metabolism (2008)

2010–2011: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Harvard Medical School (Boston, MA).
2011–2015: Assistant Professor of Medicine, Center for Human Nutrition, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis (MO).
2015–2018: Assistant Professor of Physiology, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore & Principal Investigator, Clinical Nutrition Research Centre, Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences.
2018–present: Associate Professor in Obesity Research, Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, University of Copenhagen (Denmark).

Research output: 142 publications in peer-reviewed international journals: 103 original research and 38 review articles, and 1 letter to the editor; average impact factor (2018) = 5.35. 

Citations: 5781, h-index 42 (

2005–2006: American Heart Association; US$ 50 000 (PI)
2012–2013: Barnes-Jewish Hospital Foundation and Washington University Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences; US$ 55 000 (PI)
2012–2013: The Transdisciplinary Research on Energetics and Cancer Center at Washington University in St. Louis; US$ 63 080 (PI)
2014–2019: National Institutes of Health/NIDDK; R01, US$ 3 077 052 (Co-I)
2015–2018: Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore; S$ 2 360 000 (PI)
2016–2021: National Medical Research Council, Singapore; S$ 17 606 481 (Co-I)
2017–2019: NESTEC (Nestlé), Singapore; S$ 1 353 662 (Co-PI)

Other research activities:
5 book chapters
33 posters in international conferences
21 invited lectures

Editorial board member (Metabolism; Metabolism Open)
Associate Editor (Frontiers in Nutrition)

Peer-reviewer for 51 international journals and 4 funding agencies
External board member in 4 academic institutions


Introductory remarks on publicationslist

A total of 142 papers since 2003: 103 original research, 38 review articles, and 1 letter; first author in 61 and second author in 36; senior or sole author in 18; corresponding author in 22; total IF2018 = 738.6 (138 papers), average IF2018 = 5.35 (min = 1.438, max = 22.415).

Publications in international peer-reviewed journals

1.         Magkos F, Arvaniti F, Zampelas A.  Organic food: nutritious food or food for thought? A review of the evidence. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition  2003, 54 (5): 357-371. Review.

2.         Magkos F, Yannakoulia M.  Methodology of dietary assessment in athletes: concepts and pitfalls. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care  2003, 6 (5): 539-549. Review.

3.         Magkos F, Arvaniti F, Zampelas A.  Putting the safety of organic food into perspective. Nutrition Research Reviews  2003, 16 (2): 211-221. Review.

4.         Magkos F, Arvaniti F, Piperkou I, Katsigaraki S, Stamatelopoulos K, Sitara M, Zampelas A.  Nutritional risk following a major disaster in a previously well-nourished population: who is vulnerable? Public Health  2004, 118 (2): 143-145.

5.         Sidossis LS, Magkos F, Mittendorfer B, Wolfe RR.  Stable isotope tracer dilution for quantifying very low-density lipoprotein-triacylglycerol kinetics in man. Clinical Nutrition  2004, 23 (4): 457-466.

6.         Magkos F, Sidossis LS.  Measuring very low density lipoprotein-triglyceride kinetics in man in vivo: how different the various methods really are? Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care  2004, 7 (5): 547-555. Review.

7.         Magkos F, Kavouras SA.  Caffeine and ephedrine: physiological, metabolic and performance-enhancing effects. Sports Medicine  2004, 34 (13): 871-889. Review.

8.         Manios Y, Yiannakouris N, Papoutsakis C, Moschonis G, Magkos F, Skenderi K, Zampelas A.  Behavioral and physiological indices related to BMI in a cohort of primary schoolchildren in Greece. American Journal of Human Biology  2004, 16 (6): 639-647.

9.         Magkos F, Arvaniti F, Piperkou I, Katsigaraki S, Stamatelopoulos K, Sitara M, Zampelas A.  Identifying nutritionally vulnerable groups in case of emergencies: experience from the Athens 1999 earthquake. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition  2004, 55 (7): 527-536.

10.       Magkos F, Manios Y, Babaroutsi E, Sidossis LS.  Quantitative ultrasound calcaneus measurements: normative data for the Greek population. Osteoporosis International  2005, 16 (3): 280-288.

11.       Papoutsakis C, Yiannakouris N, Manios Y, Papaconstantinou E, Magkos F, Schulpis KH, Zampelas A, Matalas AL.  Plasma homocysteine concentrations in Greek children are influenced by an interaction between the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase C677T genotype and folate status. Journal of Nutrition  2005, 135 (3): 383-388.

12.       Babaroutsi E, Magkos F, Manios Y, Sidossis LS.  Body mass index, calcium intake, and physical activity affect calcaneal ultrasound in healthy Greek males in an age-dependent and parameter-specific manner. Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism  2005, 23 (2): 157-166.

13.       Magkos F, Manios Y, Christakis G, Kafatos AG.  Secular trends in cardiovascular risk factors among school-aged boys from Crete, Greece, 1982-2002. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition  2005, 59 (1): 1-7.

14.       Babaroutsi E, Magkos F, Manios Y, Sidossis LS.  Lifestyle factors affecting heel ultrasound in Greek females across different life stages. Osteoporosis International  2005, 16 (5): 552-561.

15.       Magkos F, Manios Y, Babaroutsi E, Sidossis LS.  Contralateral differences in quantitative ultrasound of the heel: the importance of side in clinical practice. Osteoporosis International  2005, 16 (8): 879-886.

16.       Magkos F, Sidossis LS.  Methodological approaches to the study of metabolism across individual tissues in man. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care  2005, 8 (5): 501-510. Review.

17.       Manios Y, Magkos F, Christakis G, Kafatos AG.  Twenty-year dynamics in adiposity and blood lipids of Greek children: Regional differences in Crete persist. Acta Paediatrica  2005, 94 (7): 859-865.

18.       Niakaris K, Magkos F, Geladas N, Sidossis LS.  Insulin sensitivity derived from oral glucose tolerance testing in athletes: Disagreement between available indices. Journal of Sports Sciences  2005, 23 (10): 1065-1073.

19.       Manios Y, Magkos F, Christakis G, Kafatos AG.  Changing relationships of obesity and dyslipidemia in Greek children: 1982-2002. Preventive Medicine  2005, 41 (5-6): 846-851.

20.       Magkos F, Kavouras SA.  Caffeine use in sports, pharmacokinetics in man, and cellular mechanisms of action. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition  2005, 45 (7-8): 535-562. Review.

21.       Magkos F, Manios Y, Babaroutsi E, Sidossis LS.  Development and validation of a food frequency questionnaire for assessing dietary calcium intake in the general population. Osteoporosis International  2006, 17 (2): 304-312.

22.       Magkos F, Arvaniti F, Zampelas A.  Organic food: buying more safety or just peace of mind? A critical review of the literature. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition  2006, 46 (1): 23-56. Review.

23.       Magkos F, Wright DC, Patterson BW, Mohammed BS, Mittendorfer B.  Lipid metabolism response to a single, prolonged bout of endurance exercise in healthy young men. American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism  2006, 290 (2): E355-362.

24.       Papoutsakis C, Yiannakouris N, Manios Y, Papaconstantinou E, Magkos F, Schulpis KH, Zampelas A, Matalas AL.  The effect of MTHFR(C677T) genotype on plasma homocysteine concentrations in healthy children is influenced by gender. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition  2006, 60 (2): 155-162.

25.       Magkos F, Piperkou I, Manios Y, Papoutsakis C, Yiannakouris N, Cimponerio A, Aloumanis K, Skenderi K, Papathoma A, Arvaniti F, Sialvera TE, Christou D, Zampelas A.  Diet, blood lipid profile and physical activity patterns in primary school children from a semi-rural area of Greece. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics  2006, 19 (2): 101-112 (Continuous professional development questionnaire: 113-116).

26.       Magkos F, Manios Y, Christakis G, Kafatos AG.  Age-dependent changes in body size of Greek boys from 1982 to 2002. Obesity (Silver Spring)  2006, 14 (2): 289-294.

27.       Kavouras SA, Magkos F, Yannakoulia M, Perraki M, Karipidou M, Sidossis LS.  Water polo is associated with an apparent redistribution of bone mass and density from the lower to the upper limbs. European Journal of Applied Physiology  2006, 97 (3): 316-321.

28.       Magkos F, Manios Y, Babaroutsi E, Sidossis LS.  Differences in the quantitative and qualitative performance of a calcium-specific food frequency questionnaire across age and sex. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics  2006, 19 (5): 331-342.

29.       Magkos F, Patterson BW, Mittendorfer B.  No effect of menstrual cycle phase on basal very-low-density lipoprotein triglyceride and apolipoprotein B-100 kinetics. American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism  2006, 291 (6): E1243-1249.

30.       Coughlin CC, Finck BN, Eagon JC, Halpin VJ, Magkos F, Mohammed BS, Klein S.  Effect of marked weight loss on adiponectin gene expression and plasma concentrations. Obesity (Silver Spring)  2007, 15 (3): 640-645.

31.       Magkos F, Patterson BW, Mohammed BS, Klein S, Mittendorfer B.  Women produce fewer but triglyceride-richer very low-density lipoproteins than men. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism  2007, 92 (4): 1311-1318.

32.       Magkos F, Kavouras SA, Yannakoulia M, Karipidou M, Sidossi S, Sidossis LS.  The bone response to non-weight-bearing exercise is sport-, site-, and sex-specific. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine  2007, 17 (2): 123-128.

33.       Magkos F, Patterson BW, Mittendorfer B.  Reproducibility of stable isotope-labeled tracer measures of VLDL-triglyceride and VLDL-apolipoprotein B-100 kinetics. Journal of Lipid Research  2007, 48 (5): 1204-1211.

34.       Magkos F, Patterson BW, Mohammed BS, Mittendorfer B.  A single 1-h bout of evening exercise increases basal FFA flux without affecting VLDL-triglyceride and VLDL-apolipoprotein B-100 kinetics in untrained lean men. American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism  2007, 292 (6): E1568-1574.

35.       Magkos F, Sidossis LS.  Recent advances in the measurement of adiponectin isoform distribution. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care  2007, 10 (5): 571-575. Review.

36.       Magkos F, Yannakoulia M, Kavouras SA, Sidossis LS.  The type and intensity of exercise have independent and additive effects on bone mineral density. International Journal of Sports Medicine  2007, 28 (9): 773-779.

37.       Petersen AM, Magkos F, Atherton P, Selby A, Smith K, Rennie MJ, Pedersen BK, Mittendorfer B.  Smoking impairs muscle protein synthesis and increases the expression of myostatin and MAFbx in muscle. American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism  2007, 293 (3): E843-848.

38.       Paschos GK, Magkos F, Panagiotakos DB, Votteas V, Zampelas A.  Dietary supplementation with flaxseed oil lowers blood pressure in dyslipidaemic patients. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition  2007, 61 (10): 1201-1206.

39.       Magkos F, Tsekouras Y, Kavouras SA, Mittendorfer B, Sidossis LS.  Improved insulin sensitivity after a single bout of exercise is curvilinearly related to exercise energy expenditure. Clinical Science (London)  2008, 114 (1): 59-64.

40.       Fabbrini E, Mohammed BS, Magkos F, Korenblat K, Patterson BW, Klein S.  Alterations in adipose tissue and hepatic lipid kinetics in obese men and women with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Gastroenterology  2008, 134 (2): 424-431.

41.       Tsekouras YE, Magkos F, Kavouras SA, Panagiotakos DB, Sidossis LS.  Estimated liver weight is directly related to hepatic very low-density lipoprotein-triglyceride secretion rate in men. European Journal of Clinical Investigation  2008, 38 (9): 656-662.

42.       Magkos F, Sidossis LS.  Exercise and insulin sensitivity - Where do we stand? You’d better run! European Endocrinology  2008, 4 (1): 22-25. Review.

43.       Petersen AM, Mittendorfer B, Magkos F, Iversen M, Pedersen BK.  Physical activity counteracts increased whole-body protein breakdown in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports  2008, 18 (5): 557-564.

44.       Magkos F, Tsekouras YE, Prentzas KI, Basioukas KN, Matsama SG, Yanni AE, Kavouras SA, Sidossis LS.  Acute exercise-induced changes in basal VLDL-triglyceride kinetics leading to hypotriglyceridemia manifest more readily after resistance than endurance exercise. Journal of Applied Physiology  2008, 105 (4): 1228-1236.

45.       Tsekouras YE, Magkos F, Kellas Y, Basioukas KN, Kavouras SA, Sidossis LS.  High-intensity interval aerobic training reduces hepatic very low density lipoprotein-triglyceride secretion rate in men. American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism  2008, 295 (4): E851-858.

46.       Magkos F, Mohammed BS, Mittendorfer B.  Effect of obesity on the plasma lipoprotein subclass profile in normoglycemic and normolipidemic men and women. International Journal of Obesity (London)  2008, 32 (11): 1655-1664.

47.       Tsekouras YE, Magkos F, Prentzas KI, Basioukas KN, Matsama SG, Yanni AE, Kavouras SA, Sidossis LS.  A single bout of whole-body resistance exercise augments basal VLDL-triacylglycerol removal from plasma in healthy untrained men. Clinical Science (London)  2009, 116 (2): 147-156.

48.       Maraki M, Christodoulou N, Aggelopoulou N, Magkos F, Kavouras SA, Skenderi KP, Panagiotakos D, Sidossis LS.  Exercise of low energy expenditure along with mild energy intake restriction acutely reduces fasting and postprandial triacylglycerolaemia in young women. British Journal of Nutrition  2009, 101 (3): 408-416.

49.       Magkos F, Patterson BW, Mohammed BS, Mittendorfer B.  Basal adipose tissue and hepatic lipid kinetics are not affected by a single exercise bout of moderate duration and intensity in sedentary women. Clinical Science (London)  2009, 116 (4): 327-334.

50.       Magkos F, Mittendorfer B.  Stable isotope-labeled tracers for the investigation of fatty acid and triglyceride metabolism in humans in vivo. Clinical Lipidology  2009, 4 (2): 215-230. Review.

51.       Magkos F, Mohammed BS, Mittendorfer B.  Plasma lipid transfer enzymes in non-diabetic lean and obese men and women. Lipids  2009, 44 (5): 459-464.

52.       Magkos F.  Basal very low-density lipoprotein metabolism in response to exercise: mechanisms of hypotriacylglycerolemia. Progress in Lipid Research  2009, 48 (3-4): 171-190. Review.

53.       Magkos F, Mittendorfer B.  Gender differences in lipid metabolism and the effect of obesity. Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics of North America  2009, 36 (2): 245-265. Review.

54.       Magkos F, Yannakoulia M, Chan JL, Mantzoros CS.  Management of the metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes through lifestyle modification. Annual Review of Nutrition  2009, 29: 223-256. Review.

55.       Fabbrini E, Conte C, Magkos F.  Methods for assessing intrahepatic fat content and steatosis. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care  2009, 12 (5): 474-481. Review.

56.       Magkos F, Mohammed BS, Patterson BW, Mittendorfer B.  Free fatty acid kinetics in the late phase of postexercise recovery: importance of resting fatty acid metabolism and exercise-induced energy deficit. Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental  2009, 58 (9): 1248-1255.

57.       Vitola BE, Deivanayagam S, Stein R, Mohammed BS, Magkos F, Kirk EP, Klein S.  Weight loss reduces liver fat and improves hepatic and skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity in obese adolescents. Obesity (Silver Spring)  2009, 17 (9): 1744-1748.

58.       Fabbrini E, Magkos F, Mohammed BS, Pietka T, Abumrad NA, Patterson BW, Okunade A, Klein S.  Intrahepatic fat, not visceral fat, is linked with metabolic complications of obesity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America  2009, 106 (36): 15430-15435.

59.       Mittendorfer B, Magkos F, Fabbrini E, Mohammed BS, Klein S.  Relationship between body fat mass and free fatty acid kinetics in men and women. Obesity (Silver Spring)  2009, 17 (10): 1872-1877.

60.       Magkos F, Mohammed BS, Mittendorfer B.  Enhanced insulin sensitivity after acute exercise is not associated with changes in high-molecular weight adiponectin concentration in plasma. European Journal of Endocrinology  2010, 162 (1): 61-66.

61.       Magkos F, Fabbrini E, McCrea J, Patterson BW, Eagon JC, Klein S.  Decrease in hepatic very-low-density lipoprotein-triglyceride secretion after weight loss is inversely associated with changes in circulating leptin. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism  2010, 12 (7): 584-590.

62.       Fabbrini E, Mohammed BS, Korenblat K, Magkos F, McCrea J, Patterson BW, Klein S.  Effect of fenofibrate and niacin on intrahepatic triglyceride content, very low-density lipoprotein kinetics and insulin action in obese subjects with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism  2010, 95 (6): 2727-2735.

63.       Magkos F, Wang X, Mittendorfer B.  Metabolic actions of insulin in men and women. Nutrition  2010, 26 (7-8): 686–693. Review.

64.       Magkos F, Fabbrini E, Mohammed BS, Patterson BW, Klein S, Mittendorfer B.  Estrogen deficiency after menopause does not result in male very low-density lipoprotein metabolism phenotype. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism  2010, 95 (7): 3377–3384.

65.       Fabbrini E, Tamboli RA, Magkos F, Marks PA, Eckhauser AW, Richards WO, Klein S, Abumrad NN.  Surgical removal of omental fat does not improve insulin sensitivity and cardiovascular risk factors in obese adults. Gastroenterology  2010, 139 (2): 448–455.

66.       Magkos F, Fabbrini E, Mohammed BS, Patterson BW, Klein S.  Increased whole-body adiposity without a concomitant increase in liver fat is not associated with augmented metabolic dysfunction. Obesity (Silver Spring)  2010, 18 (8): 1510–1515.

67.       Maraki M, Magkos F, Christodoulou N, Aggelopoulou N, Skenderi KP, Panagiotakos DB, Kavouras SA, Sidossis LS.  One day of moderate energy deficit reduces fasting and postprandial triacylglycerolemia in women: the role of calorie restriction and exercise. Clinical Nutrition  2010, 29 (4): 459-463.

68.       Papoutsakis C, Manios Y, Magkos F, Papaconstantinou E, Schulpis KH, Zampelas A, Matalas AL, Yiannakouris N.  Effect of the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR 677C>T) polymorphism on plasma homocysteine concentrations in healthy children is influenced by consumption of folate-fortified foods. Nutrition  2010, 26 (10): 969-974.

69.       Zotou E, Magkos F, Koutsari C, Fragopoulou E, Nomikos T, Sidossis LS, Antonopoulou S.  Acute resistance exercise attenuates fasting and postprandial triglyceridemia in women by reducing triglyceride concentrations in triglyceride-rich lipoproteins. European Journal of Applied Physiology  2010, 110 (4): 869-874.

70.       Magkos F.  Exercise and fat accumulation in the human liver. Current Opinion in Lipidology  2010, 21 (6): 507-517. Review.

71.       Fabbrini E, Magkos F, Su X, Abumrad NA, Nejedly N, Coughlin CC, Okunade AL, Patterson BW, Klein S.  Insulin sensitivity is not associated with palmitoleate availability in obese humans. Journal of Lipid Research  2011, 52 (4): 808-812.

72.       Wang X, Magkos F, Mittendorfer B.  Sex differences in lipid and lipoprotein metabolism: it’s not just about sex hormones. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism  2011, 96 (4): 885-893. Review.

73.       Maraki MI, Aggelopoulou N, Christodoulou N, Anastasiou CA, Toutouza M, Panagiotakos DB, Kavouras SA, Magkos F, Sidossis LS.  Lifestyle intervention leading to moderate weight loss normalizes postprandial triacylglycerolemia despite persisting obesity. Obesity (Silver Spring)  2011, 19 (5): 968-976.

74.       Magkos F, Mantzoros CS.  Body fat redistribution and metabolic abnormalities in HIV-infected patients on highly active antiretroviral therapy: novel insights into pathophysiology and emerging opportunities for treatment. Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental  2011, 60 (6): 749-753. Editorial.

75.       Kang ES, Magkos F, Sienkiewicz E, Mantzoros CS.  Circulating vaspin and visfatin are not affected by acute or chronic energy deficiency or leptin administration in humans. European Journal of Endocrinology  2011, 164 (6): 911-917.

76.       Magkos F, Brennan A, Sweeney L, Kang ES, Doweiko J, Karchmer AW, Mantzoros CS.  Leptin replacement improves postprandial glycemia and insulin sensitivity in human immunodeficiency virus-infected lipoatrophic men treated with pioglitazone: a pilot study. Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental  2011, 60 (7): 1045-1049.

77.       Brinkoetter M, Magkos F, Vamvini M, and Mantzoros CS.  Leptin treatment may reduce body fat but does not affect lean body mass or the myostatin-follistatin-activin axis in lean hypoleptinemic women. American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism  2011, 301 (1): E99-104.

78.       Shetty GK, Matarese G, Magkos F, Moon H-S, Liu X, Brennan AM, Mylvaganam G, Sykoutri D, DePaoli AM, Mantzoros CS.  Leptin administration to overweight and obese subjects for 6 months increases free leptin concentrations but does not alter circulating hormones of the thyroid and IGF axes during weight loss induced by a mild hypocaloric diet. European Journal of Endocrinology  2011, 165 (2): 249-254.

79.       Alonso-Alonso M, Ziemke F, Magkos F, Barrios FA, Brinkoetter M, Boyd I, Rifkin-Graboi A, Yannakoulia M, Rojas R, Pascual-Leone A, Mantzoros CS.  Brain responses to food images during the early and late follicular phase of the menstrual cycle in healthy young women in relation to fasting and feeding. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition  2011, 94 (2): 377-384.

80.       Sienkiewicz E, Magkos F, Aronis KN, Brinkoetter M, Chamberland JP, Chou S, Arampatzi KM, Gao C, Koniaris A, Mantzoros CS.  Long-term metreleptin treatment increases bone mineral density and content at the lumbar spine of lean hypoleptinemic women. Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental  2011, 60 (9): 1211-1221.

81.       Magkos F, Fabbrini E, Korenblat K, Okunade A, Patterson BW, Klein S.  Reproducibility of glucose, fatty acid and VLDL kinetics and multi-organ insulin sensitivity in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. International Journal of Obesity (London)  2011, 35 (9): 1233-1240.

82.       Mantzoros CS, Magkos F, Brinkoetter M, Sienkiewicz E, Dardeno TA, Kim S-Y, Hamnvik O-PR, Koniaris A.  Leptin in human physiology and pathophysiology. American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism  2011, 301 (4): E567-584. Review.

83.       Magkos F, Fabbrini E, Patterson BW, Eagon JC, Klein S.  Portal vein and systemic adiponectin concentrations are closely linked with hepatic glucose and lipoprotein kinetics in extremely obese subjects. Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental  2011, 60 (11): 1641-1648.

84.       Lee Y, Magkos F, Mantzoros CS, Kang ES.  Effects of leptin and adiponectin on pancreatic β-cell function. Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental  2011, 60 (12): 1664-1672. Review.

85.       Magkos F.  Putative factors that may modulate the effect of exercise on liver fat: insights from animal studies. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism  2012, 2012: 827417. Review.

86.       Magkos F, Lavoie J-M, Kantartzis K, Gastaldelli A.  Diet and exercise in the treatment of fatty liver. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism  2012, 2012: 257671. Editorial.

87.       Nagel JM, Brinkoetter M, Magkos F, Liu X, Chamberland JP, Shah S, Zhou J, Blackburn G, Mantzoros CS.  Dietary walnuts inhibit colorectal cancer growth in mice by suppressing angiogenesis. Nutrition  2012, 28 (1): 67-75.

88.       Kantartzis K, Gastaldelli A, Magkos F, Lavoie J-M.  Diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Experimental Diabetes Research  2012, 2012: 404632. Editorial.

89.       Kang ES, Magkos F, Kim BS, Zhai R, Su L, Kim YS, Christiani DC, Lee HC, Mantzoros CS.  Variants of the adiponectin and adiponectin receptor-1 genes and posttransplantation diabetes mellitus in renal allograft recipients. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism  2012, 97 (1): E129-E135.

90.       Fabbrini E, Magkos F, Conte C, Mittendorfer B, Patterson BW, Okunade AL, Klein S.  Validation of a novel index to assess insulin resistance of adipose tissue lipolytic activity in obese subjects. Journal of Lipid Research  2012, 53 (2): 321-324.

91.       Fabbrini E, Magkos F, Patterson BW, Mittendorfer B, Klein S.  Subclinical hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism have opposite effects on hepatic very low-density lipoprotein-triglyceride kinetics. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism  2012, 97 (3): E414-E418.

92.       Wang X, Smith GI, Patterson BW, Reeds DN, Kampelman J, Magkos F, Mittendorfer B.  Testosterone increases the muscle protein synthesis rate but does not affect very-low-density lipoprotein metabolism in obese premenopausal women. American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism  2012, 302 (6): E740-746.

93.       Aronis KN, Vamvini MT, Chamberland JP, Sweeney LL, Brennan AM, Magkos F, Mantzoros CS.  Short-term walnut consumption increases circulating total adiponectin and apolipoprotein A concentrations, but does not affect markers of inflammation or vascular injury in obese humans with the metabolic syndrome: data from a double-blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled study. Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental  2012, 61 (4): 577-582.

94.       Magkos F, Su X, Bradley D, Fabbrini E, Conte C, Eagon JC, Varela JE, Brunt EM, Patterson BW, Klein S.  Intrahepatic diacylglycerol content is directly associated with hepatic insulin resistance in obese subjects. Gastroenterology  2012, 142 (7): 1444-1446 (Supplement: e1-e2).

95.       Magkos F, Fabbrini E, Conte C, Patterson BW, Klein S.  Relationship between adipose tissue lipolytic activity and skeletal muscle insulin resistance in nondiabetic women. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism  2012, 97 (7): E1219-E1223.

96.       Wang X, Magkos F, Patterson BW, Reeds DN, Kampelman J, Mittendorfer B. Low-dose dexamethasone administration for three weeks favorably affects plasma HDL concentration and composition but does not affect very low density lipoprotein kinetics. European Journal of Endocrinology  2012, 167 (2): 217-223.

97.       Bradley D, Magkos F, Klein S.  Effects of bariatric surgery on glucose homeostasis and type 2 diabetes. Gastroenterology  2012, 143 (4): 897-912. Review.

98.       Fabbrini E, Higgins PB, Magkos F, Bastarrachea RA, Voruganti VS, Comuzzie AG, Shade RE, Gastaldelli A, Horton JD, Omodei D, Patterson BW, Klein S.  Metabolic response to high-carbohydrate and low-carbohydrate meals in a nonhuman primate model. American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism  2013, 304 (4): E444-451.

99.       Bellou E, Siopi A, Galani M, Maraki M, Tsekouras YE, Panagiotakos DB, Kavouras SA, Magkos F, Sidossis LS. Acute effects of exercise and calorie restriction on triglyceride metabolism in women. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise  2013, 45 (3): 455-461.

100.     Bellou E, Maraki M, Magkos F, Botonaki H, Panagiotakos DB, Kavouras SA, Sidossis LS.  Effect of acute negative and positive energy balance on basal very-low density lipoprotein triglyceride metabolism in women. Public Library of Science (PLoS) One  2013, 8 (3): e60251.

101.     Singh GK, Vitola BE, Holland MR, Sekarski T, Patterson BW, Magkos F, Klein S.  Alterations in ventricular structure and function in obese adolescents with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Journal of Pediatrics  2013, 162 (6): 1160-1168.e1.

102.     Moon H-S, Dalamaga M, Kim S-Y, Polyzos SA, Hamnvik O-P, Magkos F, Paruthi J, Mantzoros CS: Leptin's role in lipodystrophic and nonlipodystrophic insulin-resistant and diabetic individuals. Endocrine Reviews  2013, 34 (3): 377-412. Review.

103.     Bellou E, Magkos F, Kouka T, Bouchalaki E, Sklaveniti D, Maraki M, Tsekouras YE, Panagiotakos DB, Kavouras SA, Sidossis LS.  Effect of high-intensity interval exercise on basal triglyceride metabolism in non-obese men. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism  2013, 38 (8): 823-829.

104.     Fabbrini E, Cella M, McCartney SA, Fuchs A, Abumrad NA, Pietka TA, Chen Z, Finck BN, Han DH, Magkos F, Conte C, Bradley D, Fraterrigo G, Eagon JC, Patterson BW, Colonna M, Klein S.  Association between specific adipose tissue CD4+ T-cell populations and insulin resistance in obese people. Gastroenterology  2013, 145 (2): 366-374.

105.     Magkos F, Bradley D, Schweitzer GG, Finck BN, Eagon JC, Ilkayeva O, Newgard CB, Klein S.  Effect of roux-en-Y gastric bypass and laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding on branched-chain amino acid metabolism. Diabetes  2013, 62 (8): 2757-2761.

106.     Smith GI, Magkos F, Reeds DN, Okunade AL, Patterson BW, Mittendorfer B. One day of mixed meal overfeeding reduces hepatic insulin sensitivity and increases VLDL particle but not VLDL-triglyceride secretion in overweight and obese men. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism  2013, 98 (8): 3454-3462.

107.     Singh G, Magkos F, Klein S.  Asymptomatic obese adolescents: No coronary atherosclerosis? Reply. Journal of Pediatrics  2013, 163 (4): 1233. Letter to the Editor.

108.     Magkos F, Smith GI, Reeds DN, Okunade AL, Patterson BW, Mittendorfer B.  One day of overfeeding impairs nocturnal glucose but not fatty acid homeostasis in overweight men. Obesity (Silver Spring)  2014, 22 (2): 435–440.

109.     Bradley D, Magkos F, Eagon JC, Varela JE, Gastaldelli A, Okunade AL, Patterson BW, Klein S. Matched weight loss induced by sleeve gastrectomy or gastric bypass similarly improves metabolic function in obese subjects. Obesity (Silver Spring)  2014, 22 (9): 2026-2031.

110.     Magkos F, Tamboli RA, Abumrad NN, Klein S. The battle of the bulge: defense versus offense. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition  2014, 100 (4): 991-992. Editorial.

111.     Su X, Magkos F, Zhou D, Eagon JC, Fabbrini E, Okunade AL, Klein S.  Adipose tissue monomethyl branched chain fatty acids and insulin sensitivity: effects of obesity and weight loss. Obesity (Silver Spring)  2015, 23 (2): 329-334.

112.     Fabbrini E, Yoshino J, Yoshino M, Magkos F, Tiemann Luecking C, Samovski D, Fraterrigo G, Okunade AL, Patterson BW, Klein S. Metabolically-normal obese are protected from adverse effects of weight gain. Journal of Clinical Investigation  2015, 125 (2): 787-795.

113.     Smith G, Yoshino J, Stromsdorfer K, Klein S, Magkos F, Reeds D, Klein S, Mittendorfer B.  Protein ingestion induces muscle insulin resistance independent of leucine-mediated mTOR activation. Diabetes  2015, 64 (5): 1555-1563.

114.     Fabbrini E, Magkos F. Hepatic steatosis as a marker of metabolic dysfunction. Nutrients  2015, 7: 4995-5019. Review.

115.     Magkos F, Klein S.  Is the β-cell the key for remission of diabetes after bariatric surgery? The Journal of Physiology  2015, 593 (14): 2989-2990. Editorial.

116.     Magkos F, Bradley D, Eagon JC, Patterson BW, Klein S. Effect of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding on gastrointestinal metabolism of ingested glucose. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition  2016, 103 (1): 61-65.

117.     Magkos F, Fraterrigo G, Yoshino J, Luecking C, Kirbach K, Kelly SC, de las Fuentes L, He S, Okunade AL, Patterson BW, Klein S.  Effects of moderate and subsequent progressive weight loss on metabolic function and adipose tissue biology in humans with obesity. Cell Metabolism  2016, 23 (4): 591-601.

118.     Ding C, Chan Z, Magkos F. Lean, but not healthy: The “metabolically-obese, normal-weight” phenotype. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care  2016, 19 (6): 408-417. Review.

119.     Baig S, Rizi EP, Shabeer M, Chhay V, Mok SF, Loh TP, Magkos F, Vidal-Puig A, Tai ES, Khoo CM, Toh S-A. Metabolic gene expression profile in circulating mononuclear cells reflects obesity-associated metabolic inflexibility. Nutrition & Metabolism  2016, 13 (1): 1-8.

120.     Rizi EP, Baig S, Shabeer M, Teo Y, Mok SF, Loh TP, Magkos F, Virtue S, Vidal-Puig A, Tai ES, Khoo CM, Toh S-A.  Meal rich in carbohydrate, but not protein or fat, reveals adverse immunometabolic responses associated with obesity. Nutrition Journal  2016, 15: 100.

121.     Magkos F, Nikonova E, Fain R, Zhou S, Ma T, Shanahan W.  Effect of lorcaserin on glycemic parameters in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Obesity (Silver Spring)  2017, 25 (5): 842-849.

122.     Magkos F, Sullivan S, Fitch M, Smith G, Fabbrini E, Mittendorfer B, Hellerstein M, Klein S.  Effect of weight gain and weight loss on in vivo colonocyte proliferation rate in people with obesity. Obesity (Silver Spring)  2017, 25 (Suppl 2): S81-S86.

123.     Sun L, Tan KWJ, Lim JZ, Magkos F, Henry CJ.  Dietary fat and carbohydrate quality have independent effects on postprandial glucose and lipid responses. European Journal of Nutrition  2018, 57 (1): 243-250.

124.     Castañer O, Goday A, Park Y-M, Lee S-H, Magkos F, Toh Ee Shiow S-A, Schröder H: The gut microbiome profile in obesity: A systematic review. International Journal of Endocrinology  2018, 2018 : 4095789. Review.

125.     Chondronikola M, Magkos F, Yoshino J, Okunade AL, Patterson BW, Muehlbauer MJ, Newgard CB, Klein S.  Effect of progressive weight loss on lactate metabolism: a randomized controlled trial. Obesity (Silver Spring)  2018, 26 (4): 683-688.

126.     Ding C, Chan Z, Chooi YC, Choo J, Sadananthan SA, Chang A, Sasikala S, Michael N, Velan SS, Magkos F.  Regulation of glucose metabolism in non-diabetic, metabolically-obese normal-weight Asians. American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism  2018, 314 (5): E494-E502.

127.     Chooi YC, Ding C, Chan Z, Choo J, Sadananthan SA, Michael N, Lee Y, Velan SS, Magkos F. Moderate weight loss improves body composition and metabolic function in metabolically unhealthy lean subjects. Obesity (Silver Spring)  2018, 26 (6): 1000-1007.

128.     Ding C, Chan Z, Chooi YC, Choo J, Sadananthan SA, Michael N, Velan SS, Leow MKS, Magkos F. Visceral adipose tissue tracks more closely with metabolic dysfunction than intrahepatic triglyceride in non-diabetic lean Asians. Journal of Applied Physiology  2018, 125 (3): 909-915.

129.     Chooi YC, Ding C, Chan Z, Lo J, Choo J, Ding BTK, Leow MKS, Magkos F. Lipoprotein subclass profile after progressive energy deficits induced by calorie restriction or exercise. Nutrients  2018, 10 (11): 1814.

130.     Chan Z, Chooi YC, Ding C, Choo J, Sadananthan SA, Michael N, Velan SS, Leow M, Magkos F. Sex differences in glucose and fatty acid metabolism in Asians who are nonobese. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism  2019, 104 (1): 127-136.

131.     Ding C, Leow MKS, Magkos F. Oxytocin in metabolic homeostasis: implications for obesity and diabetes management. Obesity Reviews  2019, 20 (1): 22-40. Review.

132.     Agrawal M, Yeo CR, Shabbir A, Chhay V, Silver DL, Magkos F, Vidal-Puig A, Toh S-A. Fat storage-inducing transmembrane protein 2 (FIT2) is less abundant in type 2 diabetes, and regulates triglyceride accumulation and insulin sensitivity in adipocytes. FASEB Journal  2019, 33 (1): 430-440.

133.     Chooi YC, Ding C, Magkos F. The epidemiology of obesity. Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental  2019, 92: 6-10. Review.

134.     Chan Z, Ding C, Chooi YC, Choo J, Sadananthan SA, Sasikala S, Chang A, Michael N, Velan SS, Leow MKS, Magkos F. Ectopic fat and aerobic fitness are key determinants of glucose homeostasis in nonobese Asians. European Journal of Clinical Investigation  2019, 49 (5): e13079.

135.     Baig S, Rizi EP, Chia C, Shabeer M, Aung N, Loh TP, Magkos F, Vidal-Puig A, Seet R, Khoo CM, Toh S-A. Genes involved in oxidative stress pathways are differentially expressed in circulating mononuclear cells derived from obese insulin-resistant and lean insulin-sensitive individuals following a single mixed-meal challenge. Frontiers in Endocrinology (Lausanne)  2019, 10: 256.

136.     Ding C, Magkos F. Oxytocin and vasopressin systems in obesity and metabolic health: Mechanisms and perspectives. Current Obesity Reports  2019, 8 (3): 301-316. Review.

137.     Magkos F. Metabolically healthy obesity: what’s in a name? American Journal of Clinical Nutrition  2019, 110 (3): 533–539. Review.

138.     Astrup A, Geiker NRW, Magkos F. Effects of full-fat and fermented dairy products on cardiometabolic disease: food is more than the sum of its parts. Advances in Nutrition  2019, 10 (5): 924S-930S. Review.

139.     Ding C, Chooi YC, Chan Z, Lo J, Choo J, Ding BTK, Leow MKS, Magkos F. Dose-dependent effects of exercise and diet on insulin sensitivity and secretion. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise  2019, 51 (10): 2109-2116. 

140.     Magkos F, Tetens I, Bügel SG, Felby C, Schacht SR, Hill JO, Ravussin E, Astrup A. A perspective on the transition to plant-based diets: a diet change may attenuate climate change, but can it also attenuate obesity and chronic disease risk? Advances in Nutrition  (in press). Review.

141.     Pakiet A, Wilczynski M, Korczyńska J, Jabłońska P, Kaska L, Proczko-Stepaniak M, Sobczak E, Stepnowski P, Magkos F, Sledzinski T, Mika A. The effect of one anastomosis gastric bypass on branched-chain fatty acid and branched-chain amino acid metabolism in subjects with morbid obesity. Obesity Surgery  (in press).

142.     Magkos F, Tetens I, Bügel SG, Felby C, Schacht SR, Hill JO, Ravussin E, Astrup A. The environmental foodprint of obesity. Obesity (Silver Spring)  (in press). Review.



Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being
  • SDG 13 - Climate Action


  • Metabolism
  • diet
  • exercise
  • obesity
  • diabetes
  • hyperlipidemia
  • energy balance


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