Bente Halkier

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Short presentation

Consumption, contestation of food, everyday life practices, qualitative methods

Introductory remarks on publicationslist



List of publications for Bente Halkier


  1. Halkier, B. (2019). Political food consumerism between mundane routines and organizational alliance-building. In M. Micheletti, M. Boström & P. Oosterveer (eds.): The Oxford Handbook of Political Consumerism. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
  2. Halkier, B. (2018). Mundane negotiations around official Danish dietary advice: Connection, expert knowledge, and everyday agency, Critical Public Health, pre-published online.
  3. Jackson, P., H. Brembeck, J. Everts, M. Fuentes, B. Halkier, F.D. Hertz, A. MEah, V. Viehoff & C. Wenzl (2018). Reframing convenience food. London, Palgrave Macmillan.
  4. Hertz, F. D. & B. Halkier (2017). Meal box schemes as a convenient way to avoid convenience food? Uses and understandings of meal box schemes among Danish consumers, Appetite, 114, 232-39.

  5. Halkier, B. (2017).Practice theoretically inspired focus groups: Socially recognisable performativity? In R. Barbour & D.L. Morgan (eds.): A new era of focus groups. London, Palgrave Macmillan.

  6. Halkier, B. (2017). Questioning the ‘gold standard’ thinking in qualitative methods from a practice theoretical perspective: Towards methodological multiplicity. In M. Jonas, B. Littig & A. Wroblewski (eds.): Methodological reflections on practice oriented theories. Cham, Springer.

  7. Halkier, B., M. Keller, M. Truninger & T.-A. Wilska (2017). Consumer and consumption research revisited. In M. Keller, B. Halkier, M. Truninger & T.A. Wilska (eds.): The Routledge Handbook on Consumption. London, Routledge.

  8. Halkier, B (2017). Methods and methods debates within consumption research. In M. Keller, B. Halkier, M. Truninger & T.A. Wilska (eds.): The Routledge Handbook on Consumption. London, Routledge.

  9. Halkier, B. (2017). Normalising convenience food? The expectable and acceptable places of convenient food in everyday life among young Danes. Food, Culture and Society. 20, 133-51.

  10. Halkier, B. (2017). Mundane science use in a practice theoretical perspective. A discussion of different understandings of the relations between citizen-consumers and public communication initiatives build on scientific claims. Public Understanding of Science. 26, 40-54.

  11. Halkier, B. (2016). Civic engagement by invitation? Citizen negotiations about public media framings of everyday life responsibilities for societal problems. In H.K. Nielsen (ed.): The democratic public sphere. Aarhus, Aarhus Universitetsforlag.

  12. Halkier, B. (2016). Everyday mothering and the media food ‘soup’: comparing contested food and mothering across genres in two different social contexts. In K. K. Povlsen & J. Leer (eds.): Media Food and Identity. London, Routledge.

  13. Halkier, B. (2016). Nyheder og politisering af hverdagslivet [News and the politicization of everyday life]. I I. Willig & M. Ørsten (red.): Mediernes dagsordenssættende magt [The agenda-setting power of media]. Frederiksberg, Samfundslitteratur.

  14. Keller, M., Halkier, B. and Wilska, T.A. (2016). Policy and governance for sustainable consumption at the crossroads of theories and concepts. Environmental Policy and Governance. Introductory article for the special issue on sustainable consumption. 26, 75-88.

  15. Halkier, B. (2015). Contested food consumption and everyday agency in a Danish context. In P. Strandbakken & J. Gronow (eds.): The consumer in society. Oslo, Abstrakt Forlag.

  16. Halkier, B. (2014). Madborgerskab? Når videnskab møder hverdagspraksis [Food-izenship? When science meets everyday practices]. Politik [Politics], 2, 58-67.

  17. Halkier, B. (2014). Generalisering på basis af kvalitative data [Generalization on the basis of qualitative data] I D. N. Hopmann & M. Skovsgaard (red.): Metoder i journalistikforskning [Methods in journalism research]. København, Hans Reitzels Forlag.

  18. Martens, L., Pink, S. & Halkier, B. (2014) Introduction to Special Issue on Researching habits: Advances in Linguistic and Embodied Research Practice, International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 17, 1-9.

  19. Keller, M. and Halkier, B. (2014) Positioning consumption: A practice theoretical approach to contested consumption and media discourse. Marketing theory.14, 35-51.

  20. Halkier, B. (2013). Contesting food – contesting mothering? In S. O’Donohoe, M. Hogg, P. Maclaran, L. Martens & L. Stevens (eds.): Motherhoods, Markets and Consumption: the Making of Mothers in Contemporary Western Culture. London, Routledge

  21. Halkier, B. (2013). Easy eating? Negotiating convenience food in media food practices. In H. Brembeck (ed.): Making sense of Consumption. Gothenburg, Gothenburg University Press.

  22. Halkier, B. (2013). Forbrug [Consumption]. I S. Kolstrup, G. Agger, P Jauert & K. Schrøder (red.): Medie- og Kommunikationsleksikon. 2.udgave [Media- and communication dictionary, 2. Ed]. Frederiksberg, Samfundslitteratur.

  23. Halkier, B. (2013). Fænomenologi [Phenomenology]. I S. Kolstrup, G. Agger, P Jauert & K. Schrøder (red.): Medie- og Kommunikationsleksikon. 2.udgave [Media- and communication dictionary, 2. Ed]. Frederiksberg, Samfundslitteratur.

  24. Halkier, B. (2013). Review of ”The case study as research method. A practical handbook” by Yves-C. Gagnon and ”How to do your case study. A guide for students & researchers” by Gary Thomas. Qualitative Research. 13, 107-10.

  25. Halkier, B (2013). A practice theoretical perspective on change behaviour campaigns and sustainability issues. In M. Cohen, H. Brown & P. Vergragt (eds.): Innovations in sustainable consumption. New economics, socio-technical transitions and social practices. Cheltenham,  Edward Elgar.

  26. Halkier, B (2012). Mad, ernæring og kulturel forhandling [Food, nutrition and cultural negotiation]. I L. Holm & S.T. Christensen (red.): Mad, Mennesker og Måltider – Samfundsvidenskabelige Perspektiver. 2. Udgave [Food, people and meals – social scientific perspectives, 2. Ed.]. København, Munksgaard.

  27. Halkier, B (2012). Mad, risiko og mad-borgerskab [Food, risk and citizenship]. I L. Holm & S.T. Christensen (red.): Mad, Mennesker og Måltider – Samfundsvidenskabelige Perspektiver. 2. Udgave [Food, people and meals – social scientific perspectives, 2. Ed.]. København, Munksgaard.

  28. Halkier, B. (2011). Methodological practicalities in analytical generalization. Qualitative Inquiry. 17, 787-97.

  29. Halkier, B. & I. Jensen (2011). Doing “healthier” food in everyday life? Varieties in handling public nutritional communication among Pakistani Danes. Critical Public Health. 21, 471-83.

  30. Halkier, B. (2011). Agency og hybridisering - Kompleksiteter omkring brug af forandrings-kommunikation i hverdagen [Agency and hybridization – Complexities around use of change communication in everyday life]. I P. Almlund & N.B. Andersen (red.): Fra Metateori til Kommunikation [From meta-theories to communication]. København, Hans Reitzel.

  31. Halkier, B. (2011). Review of ”The saturated society. Governing risk and lifestyles in consumer culture” by Pekka Sulkunen. Journal of Consumer Culture, 11, 2.

  32. Jensen, I. & B. Halkier (2011). Network communication as resource in public intercultural communication: Conceptualising network communication in public nutritional communication uses among Pakistani-Danes. Journal of Intercultural Communication, 25.

  33. Halkier, B, T. Katz-Gerro, and L. Martens (2011). Applying practice theory to the study of consumption: Theoretical and methodological considerations. Editorial article. Special issue of Journal of Consumer Culture, 11, 3 – 13.

  34. Halkier, B. and I. Jensen (2011). Methodological challenges in using practice theory in consumption research. Examples from a study on handling the nutritionalisation of food. Special issue of Journal of Consumer Culture, 11, 98 - 120.

  35. Halkier, B (2010). Consumption Challenged. Food in Medialised Everyday Lives. Farnham, Ashgate.

  36. Harrits, G. S., Pedersen, C. S., & Halkier, B. (2010). Indsamling af interviewdata [Collecting interview data]. I Bøgh Andersen, L., Klemmensen, R., & Møller Hansen, K. (red.). Samfundsvidenskabelig Metode [Social scientific methods]. København, Hans Reitzels Forlag.

  37. Halkier, B. (2010). Fokusgrupper [Focus groups]. Oslo, Gyldendal Akademisk (Norwegian translation of Fokusgrupper 2. Udgave from 2008).

  38. Halkier, B (2010). Fokusgrupper: Den fokuserede socialitet [Focus groups: The focused sociality]. I S Brinkmann & L T Pedersen (red.): Kvalitative Metoder og Tilgange – en Grundbog [Qualitative methods and approaches – the basics]. København, Hans Reitzel.

  39. Halkier, B. (2010). Fokusgrupper [Focus groups]. Malmö, Liber (Swedish translation of “Fokusgrupper. 2. udgave” from 2008).

  40. Halkier, B. (2010). Focus groups as social enactments: Integrating interaction and content in the analysis of focus group data. Qualitative Research. 10, 71-89.

  41. Halkier, B (2009).A practice theoretical perspective on everyday dealings with environmental challenges of food consumption. Anthropology of Food. 9, 5.

  42. Halkier, B, Holm, L & Nielsen Annemette (2009). Smil til Forbrugeren! Den danske model for fødevaresikkerhed under globaliseringens vilkår [Smile to the consumer! The Danish model for food safety under the conditions of globalization]. I M Marcussen & K Ronit (red.):Globaliseringens Udfordringer. Politiske og Administrative Modeller under Pres [The challenges of globalization. Political and administrative models under pressure]. København, Hans Reitzel.

  43. Holm, L. & Halkier, B. (2009) EU Food safety policy: Localising contested governance. European Societies. 11, 473-93.

  44. Halkier, B. (2009). Suitable Cooking? Performances and positions in cooking practices among Danish women. Food, Culture & Society. 12, 357-77.

  45. Halkier, B. (2009). Fænomenologi [Phenomenology]. I S. Kolstrup, G. Agger, P Jauert & K. Schrøder (red.): Medie- og Kommunikationsleksikon [Media- and communication dictionary]. Frederiksberg, Samfundslitteratur.

  46. Halkier, B. & Jensen, I. (2008). Det sociale som performativitet. Et praksisteoretisk perspektiv på analyse og metode [The social as performativity. A practice theoretical perspective on analysis and method]. Dansk Sociologi, 19, 3, 49-68.

  47. Halkier, B. & Holm, L. (2008) Food consumption and political agency. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 32, 667-74.

  48. Halkier, B. (2008). Fokusgrupper. 2 udgave [Focus groups 2. Ed.]. Frederiksberg: Samfundslitteratur.

  49. Halkier, B., Holm, L., Domingues, M., Magaudda, P., Nielsen, A. & Terragni, L. (2007). Trusting, complex, quality conscious or unprotected? Constructing the food consumer in different European national contexts. Journal of Consumer Culture. 7, 295-318.

  50. Holm, L. & Halkier, B. (2007). Food safety in Europe: New policy and shifting responsibilities. In M. Kaiser and ME Lien (eds.): Ethics and the Politics of Food. Oslo: Wageningen Academic Publishers.

  51. Halkier, B. & Holm, L. (2006). Shifting responsibilities for food in Europe: Introduction. Special Issue of Appetite. 47, 127-33.

  52. Berg, L., Ganskau, E., Halkier, B., Holm, L., Kjærnes, U. & Minina, V. (2005) Trust in food safety in Russia, Denmark and Norway. European Societies. 7, 103-29.

  53. Halkier, B. & Holm, L. (2004) Tillid til mad – Forbrug mellem dagligdag og politisering [Trust in food – Consumption between everyday and politicization]. Dansk Sociologi. 15, 3, 9-26.

  54. Halkier, B. (2004) Review of “Political Virtue and Shopping: Individuals, Consumers and Collective Action” by Michele Micheletti. Perspectives on Politics. 2, 575-76.

  55. Halkier, B. (2004). Handling food-related risks: Political agency and governmentality. In M. E. Lien and B. Nehrlich (eds.): The Politics of Food. Oxford: Berg.

  56. Halkier, B. (2003). Consumption, risk and civic engagement: Citizens as risk-handlers. In M. Micheletti, D. Stolle & A. Follesdal (eds.):Politics, products and markets. Exploring political consumerism.  New Brunswick, Transaction Books.

  57. Halkier, B. (2003) The challenge of qualitative generalisations in communication research. Nordicom Review. 24, 115-24.

  58. Halkier, B. (2003). Mad, risiko og hverdagens politik [Food, risk and everyday politics]. I L. Holm (red.): Madens Sociologi [Sociology of food]. København: Munksgaard.

  59. Halkier, B. (2002). Fokusgrupper [Focus groups]. Frederiksberg: Samfundslitteratur.

  60. Halkier, B. (2001). Consuming ambivalences. Consumer handling of environmentally related risks in Food. Journal of Consumer Culture. 1, 205-24 .

  61. Halkier, B. (2001). Consuming risk: Environmentality and consumers’ handling of risk in food consumption. Zhurnal Sotsiologii i Sotsialnoi Antropologii (Russian Journal of Sociology and Socialanthropology). Special Issue on Sociology of Consumption, 172-92.

  62. Halkier, B. (2001). Kan pragmatisme være analytisk? Studiet af miljøhensyn i forbrug som eksempel [Can pragmatism be analytical? The study of environmental consideration in consumption as an example]. I K.B. Pedersen & L.D. Nielsen (red.): Kvalitative Metoder – fra Metateori til Markarbejde [Qualitative methods – From meta-theories to field work]. Frederiksberg: Roskilde Universitetsforlag.

  63. Halkier, B. (2001). Risikohåndtering i forbrug: Behov for at “kreolisere” sociologiske begreber [Risk handling in consumption: The need for “creolizing” sociological concepts]. Sosiologisk Tidsskrift. 9, 1-2, 156-179.

  64. Halkier, B. (2001). Risk and food: Environmental concerns and consumer practices. International Journal of Food Science and Technology. Vol. 36, pp. 801-12.

  65. Halkier, B. (2001). Routinization or reflexivity? Consumers and normative claims for environmental consideration. In J. Gronow and A. Warde (eds.): Ordinary Consumption. London: Routledge.

  66. Halkier, B. (2000). Kan man Spise Dårlig Samvittighed? Forbrugeres Håndtering af Risiko ved Fødevarer i Hverdagen [Can you eat bad conscience? Consumers’ handling of risk in food in everyday life]. Rapport fra Institut for Kommunikation, Journalistik og Datalogi. Roskilde Universitets Center [Report from Department of Communication, Journalism and Computer Science, Roskilde University].

  67. Halkier, B. (1999). Consequences of the politicization of consumption: The example of environmentally friendly consumption practices. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning. 1, 25-41.

  68. Halkier, B. (1999). Strategiske vilkår for virksomheder fra miljøpolitisk forbrug [Strategic conditions for firms from environmentalist consumption]. Ledelse & Erhvervsøkonomi. 63, 97-112.

  69. Halkier, B. (1999). Politisering af forbrug i risikosamfundet [Politicization of consumption in risk society]. In K. Aagaard Nielsen, A. Greve, F. Hansson & K. Rasborg (red.): Risiko, Politik og Miljø i det Moderne Samfund [Risk, politics and environment in modernity]. Frederiksberg: Forlaget Sociologi.

  70. Halkier, B. (1999). Miljø til Daglig Brug? Forbrugeres Erfaringer med Miljøhensyn i Hverdagen [Environment for daily use? Consumer experiences with environmental consideration in everyday life]. Frederiksberg: Forlaget Sociologi.

  71. Halkier, B. (1998). Forbrug og miljø: Betydningen af hverdagslivets erfaringer [Consumption and environment: The meaning of everday life experiences]. Sosiologi i Dag. 28, 4-31.

  72. Halkier, B. (1998). Miljøhensyn i Forbrug. Erfaringer og Forhandlinger i Ambivalente Hverdagsliv[ Environmental consideration in consumption. Experiences and negotiations in ambivalent everyday lives]. Phd-afhandling. Institut for Miljø, Teknologi og Samfund. Roskilde Universitets Center [PhD. Dissertation, Department of Environment, Technology and Society, Roskilde University].

  73. Halkier, B. (1997). Miljøhensyn i forbruget: Kropslig fornøjelse eller forsagelse? [Environmental consideration in consumption: Bodily Pleasure or renunciation?] Grus. Nr. 52, 37-59.

  74. Halkier, B. (1995). Fænomenologiske fordele [Phenomenological advantages]. I K. Pedersen (red.): Planlægning mellem Genstand, Viden og Magt [Planning between object, knowledge and power]. Tek-Sam Forlaget, RUC.

  75. Halkier, B. (1994). Grønt forbrug – Hverdagspolitik? [Green consumption – everyday politics?] Grus. Nr. 44, 22-39.

  76. Halkier, B. & Danielsen, O. (1994). Organisering af Fremtidens Energisystemer i Danmark [Organization of the future energy systems in Denmark]. Rapport fra Institut for Datalogi, Kommunikation og Uddannelsesforskning. Roskilde Universitets Center [Report from Department of Computer Science, Communication and pedagogical research, Roskilde University].

  77. Halkier, B. (1993). Nye udtryk for sociale bevægelser – Grønt forbrug som eksempel [New expressions of social movements – Green consumption as an example]. Dansk Sociologi. 4, 4, 40-59.

  78. Halkier, B. (1993). Grønt Hverdagsliv – 90érnes Udtryk for Den Nye Miljøbevægelse? [Green everyday life – the 90’s expression of the new environmental movement?] Kandidatspeciale ved Institut for Statskundskab, Århus Universitet [Masters Thesis, Department of Political Science, Århus University].

  79. Halkier, B. (1992). Anmeldelse af [Review of] Eyerman and Jamison’s ”Social Movements – A Cognitive Approach”. Grus. Nr. 36, 115-19.

  80. Halkier, B. (1991). Greens in Movement: A Comparative Analysis of Friends of the Earth in Britain and Noah in Denmark. MA-dissertation, Department of Sociology, Lancaster University, England.


Curriculum Vitae for Bente Halkier


Personal data

Born 26.December 1964

Professor in sociology at Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen

Phone: 21 62 96 94

E-mail: [email protected]

Private address: Vanløse Byvej 30, 2720 Vanløse

Married to Søren H. Thomsen and has two daughters, Rosa (maternity leave March 2003 – January 2004) and Liva (maternity leave February 2005 – December 2005).


Academic qualifications

1998 Ph.D. social sciences, Roskilde University.

1993 Master in Political Science, Århus University.

1991 Master of Arts in Contemporary Sociology, Lancaster University, England.


Academic employment

2016 – Professor in sociology, Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen.

2011 – 2016 Professor in communication theory and methods, Department of Communication, Business and Information Technologies (CBIT), Roskilde University.

2000 – 2011 Associate professor in sociology of knowledge, Department of Communication, Journalism and Computer Science (from 2006 CBIT), Roskilde University.

1998 – 2000 Postdoc at the research project, “The risks of consumption. Environmental norms and consumer practices” under Centre for Social Scientific Environmental Research (CeSaM) at Århus University, and at Department of Environment, Technology and Society, Roskilde University.

1995 – 1998 Ph.D. student at Department of Environment, Technology and Society, Roskilde University.

1993 – 1995 Teaching assistant at Communication Studies, Department of Computer Science, Communication and Pedagogical Studies, Roskilde University.

1993 – 1994 Research assistant at the EU-financed project, “Express Path – Social and institutional diffusion of innovations of renewable energies”, Department of Computer Science, Communication and Pedagogical Studies, Roskilde University.


Research management

2018 – 21 PI of the research project, “’Proper’ food under economic constraints: Gendered food practices and dietary health among socioeconomically disadvantaged”, together with professor Lotte Holm, University of Copenhagen. Funded by Independent Research Fund Denmark.

2017 – Co-head of the research group “Culture and Civil Society”, Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen.

2014 - 2017 Senior partner in the research project, “Food, convenience and sustainability” (FOCAS), with Peter Jackson (PI), University of Sheffield, England; Helene Brembeck, University of Gothenburg, Sweden; and Jonathan Everts, University of Bonn, Germany. Funded by ERA-NET SUSFOOD under FP7, European Commission.

2013 – 2016 Leader of the research project “Public campaigns and everyday agency”, under Centre for Power, Media and Communication. Funded by Roskilde University as one out of 4 strategic priority areas in the research of the university.

2012 – 2016 Head of Centre for Power, Media and Communication, CBIT, Roskilde University. Funded by Roskilde University as one out of 4 strategic priority areas in the research of the university.

2011 – 2014 Senior partner in the research project GRO (“Green Regional Food Experiences”), together with professor Jon Sundbo (PI), CBIT, Roskilde University. Responsible for the sub-project, “Easy eating? Negotiating convenience food in media food practices” and for supervising the phd-project, “Behaviour change communication, food events and consumption in everyday life”. Funded by Growth Forum Zealand, The European Social Fund, and the European Fund for Regional Development.

2008 – 2010 Senior partner in the research project “Network communication and change of food practices. A case-study of food habits and social network among ethnic Pakistani Danes in risk of diabetes 2” together with associate professor Iben Jensen, CBIT, Roskilde University. Funded by FSE (The Danish Social Scientific Research Council).

2008 – 2009 Senior partner in the comparative Nordic research network “Can consumers save the world? Everyday food consumption and dilemmas of sustainability” together with senior researcher Johanna Mäkela, Finland (leader), senior researcher Magnus Boström, Sweden, and senior researcher Laura Terragni, Norway. Funded by Norfa.

2006 – 2007 Leader of the research project “Cooking in medialised society”. Funded by CBIT, Roskilde University.

2006 – 2011 Head of the research group “Knowledge production and communication”, CBIT, Roskilde University.

2002 – 2006 Head of the research group “User-oriented communication research”, Department of Communication, Journalism and Computer Science, Roskilde University.

2002 – 2005 Senior partner in the comparative European research project TIF (“Consumer trust in food. A European study of the social and institutional conditions for the production of trust”). Responsible, together with associate professor Lotte Holm, The Royal Veterinary- and Agricultural School, for leading Work package 3 (“Country Studies of Institutional Determinants of Consumer Trust”) and 8 hired researchers in 6 different countries. Funded by the European Commission (Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources Programme).

2001 – 2002 Senior partner in the research project “Everyday consumption – routine or politics?”, together with associate professor Lotte Holm, The Royal Veterinary- and Agricultural School. Funded by the Ministry of Trade, Denmark.

1998 – 2000 Leader of the research project, “The risks of consumption. Environmental norms and consumer practices” under Centre for Social Scientific Environmental Research (CeSaM) at Århus University. Funded by The Strategic Programme for Environmental Research under The Strategic Research Council.


Participation in research grant giving

2009 – 2014 Member of the Danish Social Scientific Research Council (FSE).

1999 – 2002 Member of the advisory committee for consumer research under the Ministry of Trade.


Referee activities

2000 - Referee for following journals:

Distinktion - Scandinavian Journal of Social Theory; Current Sociology; Sociology; Sociological  Review; Sociological Forum; British Journal of Sociology; Cultural Sociology; International Journal of Sociology and Antropology; European Societies;International Journal of Sociology of Food and Agriculture; Sosiologisk Tidsskrift; Tidsskrift for Samfunnsforskning; Qualitative Research; Qualitative Studies; Qualitative Research in Psychology; Journal of Consumer Culture; International Journal of Consumer Studies; Journal of Consumer Behaviour; Marketing Theory; Advertising in Society; Appetite; Food, Culture and Society; Food and Foodways; Anthropology of Food; Public Understanding of Science; Politics; Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning; Journal of Environmental Management; Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics; Journal of Cleaner Production; Energy Research and Social Science; Critical Public Health; Technology, Environment and Society; Rural Studies; City & Society; Organic Agriculture; Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism; GAIA; Akademisk Kvarter.


2015 Evaluation of Norwegian sociology journal, “Sosiologi i Dag”


2014 – Reviewer for Routledge on book proposals


2014 – Reviewer for Bloomsbury on book proposals


2012 – Reviewer for Ashgate on book proposals.


2012 Reviewer for the Canadian Research Council.


2010 – 2016 Reviewer on abstracts for ECREA Conference (European Communication Research and Education Association), Section on “Interpersonal communication and social interaction”.


2004 + 2007 – 2012 Reviewer on abstracts for ESA Conference, RN Sociology of Consumption.


2002 – Referee for the Norwegian Research Council.



Organization of international seminars


2018 Organizer of European Sociological Association Sociology of Consumption Research Network conference at University of Copenhagen.


2014 Organizing the track, “Convenience food” (with H. Brembeck, Gothenburg University) at the Nordic Conference on Consumer Research, 21.-22. May. Vaasa University, Finland.


2013 – 14 Organizing the track, “Reproduction and change of habits in everyday life” at the Danish Sociology Congresses.


2012 Organizing the track, “Practice theoretical perspectives on consumption” at the Nordic Conference on Consumer Research, 30. May – 1. June, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.


2010 Organizing (with Iben Jensen, CBIT) “Cross-disciplinary International symposium on Social Network Analysis”, 10.-11. June, Roskilde University.


2007 – 2012 Organizing (with Tally Katz-Gerro, Haifa University, Israel; Margit Keller, Tartu University, Estonia; Lydia Martens, Keele University, England) conference sessions for RN Sociology of Consumption under ESA (European Sociological Association) conferences and interim conferences.


2004 Organizing (with Lotte Holm, KVL) interim seminar for RN Sociology of Consumption under ESA, KVL, Copenhagen.



Organizing phd-courses and lecturing at phd-courses

2018 Lecturer at the phd-course, “Researching intergenerational consumption: the dynamics of family consumption across generations and geography”, Edinburgh University, UK.


2018 Lecturer at the phd-course, “La Sage phd-workshop on social practices”, Geneva University, Switzerland.


2017 Lecturer at the phd-course “Kvalitativ forskning” [qualitative research], Tromsø University, Norway.


2017 Organizer and lecturer at the phd-course, ”Focus group interviewing as research tool”, University of Copenhagen.


2015 Organizer of the phd-course “Media and power: Theoretical perspectives and analytical practicalities”, Roskilde University


2015 Lecturer at the phd-course “Videnskabsteori og metodologi” [Theory of science and methodology], Roskilde University.


2014 Lecturer at the phd-course, “Qualitative research methods”, Roskilde University.


2013 Lecturer at the phd-course, “Kvalitative metoder. Variasjoner i intervjumetoder” [Qualitative methods. Variations in interview methods], Tromsø University, Norway.


2013 Lecturer at the phd-course “Kvalitative metoder i humanistisk sundhedsforskning” [Qualitative methods in humanities health research], Århus University.


2012 – 2015 Organizer and lecturer at the phd-course, ”Focus group interviewing as research tool”, Roskilde University.


2011 Lecturer at the phd-course, “Motivation and behavior in relation to climate change”, University of Copenhagen.


2011 Lecturer at the phd-course, “Case-studies in natural resource management”, University of Copenhagen.


2010 Lecturer at the phd-course, “Methodologies of media and communication research”, funded by Norfa, Tampere University, Finland.


2009 Lecturer at the phd-course, “Feltarbejdets metodologi” [Methodologies of fieldwork], Roskilde University.


2008 Organizer of (with Iben Jensen, CBIT) and lecturer at the phd-course, “The analytical leap”, Roskilde University.


2007 Organizer of (with Iben Jensen, CBIT) and lecturer at the phd-course, “Det analytiske spring” [The analytical leap], Roskilde University.


2007 Lecturer at the phd-course, “Det kreative i analyseprocesser” [Creativity in processes of analysis], University of Copenhagen.


2004 Organizer of (with Louise Phillips, CBIT) the phd-course, “Meaning production and target groups. Methods for communication planning and analysis”, funded by Norfa, Roskilde University.


2003 Lecturer at the phd-course, “Det bevidste metodevalg” [The conscious methodological choice], Roskilde University.


2002 Lecturer at the phd-course, “Discourse theory and practice”, Ålborg University.


2002 Organizer of (with Mats Ekström, Örebro University, Per Jauert, Århus University and Kim Schrøder, Roskilde University) and lecturer at the phd-course, “Methodological pluralism in media and communication research”, funded by Norfa. Örebro University, Sweden.


2000 Lecturer at the phd-course, “May Days”, Tampere University, Finland.


1999 Organizer of (with Andrew Jamison and Arne Remmen, both Ålborg University) the phd-course, “Environmental politics and new social identities”, Ålborg University.


1999 Lecturer at the phd-course, “Samfundsvidenskabelig metode” [Social scientific method], Roskilde University.



Member of phd evaluation committees


2019 Member of the committee for the phd dissertation “Rebellious waste & food”, Roskilde University.




2019 Member of the committee for the phd dissertation “Environmentally and socially responsible consumption? A study of food sustainability discourses”, Manchester University.


2013 Member of the committee for the phd dissertation “The new Nordic diet: A sociological study of the acceptance and appropriation of a dietary regime”, University of Copenhagen.


2012 Member of the committee for the phd dissertation “Foranding eller fernis. Museale translationer af strategisk kommunikation” [Change or varnish. Museum translations of strategic communication], Århus University.


2011 Member of the committee for the phd dissertation “From organic consumers to organic consumption. Organic consumption and the social dynamics of food provisioning”, Århus University.


2010 Member of the committee for the phd dissertation “Modstandens politik. Kampagnestyring i velfærdsstaten. En diskussion af traffikkampagners styringspotentiale” [The politics of resistance. Governing through campaigns in the welfare state. A discussion of the governance potential of traffic campaigns], Copenhagen Business School.


2010 Member of the committee for the phd dissertation “Rør blot ikke ved mit kød” [Just don’t touch my meat], University of Copenhagen.


2009 Member of the committee for the phd dissertation “Sundhed i et forbrugerperspektiv” [Health in a consumer perspective], University of Southern Denmark.


2008 Head of the committee for the phd dissertation “Risici og ramthed – vedtagelser, performance og definitionsmagt” [Risks and affectedness – enactments, performance and definitional power], Roskilde University.


2008 Member of the committee for the phd dissertation “Informations- og kommunikationsteknologi i familiens hverdag” [Information- and communication technology in the everyday life of the family], Technical University of Denmark.


2007 Member of the committee for the phd dissertation “Mat i risikosamfunnet – forbrukernes møter med mat som risiko” [Food in risk society – consumers’ meetings with food as risk], University of Trondheim, Norway.


2007 Member of the committee for the phd dissertation “Produktlevetid og miljø. Muligheter og hindringer for en refleksiv økologisk modernisering av forbruket: En teoretisk og empirisk analyse” [Product lifetime and the environment. Possibilities and barriers for a refelxive modernization of consumption: A theoretical and empirical analysis], University of Tromsø, Norway.


2004-6 Member of the committee for the phd dissertation “Politisk forbrug – Mere forbrug end politik? En kvalitativ analyse af omfanget af politisk intentionalitet i forbindelse med permanent til- og fra-valg af udvalgte produkter” [Political consumption – More consumption than politics? A qualitative analysis of the extent of political intentionality in relation with permanent positive and negative choice of selected products], University of Southern Denmark.


2004 Member of the committee for the phd dissertation “Den politiske forbruger – En analyse af idéen og fænomenet” [The political consumer – An analysis of the idea and the phenomenon], Århus University.


2004 Member of the committee for the phd dissertation “Miljøvenlig adfærd i familien: Et studie af familiemedlemmernes involvering og sociale interaction” [Environmentally friendly behavior in the family: A study of the involvement and social interaction of family members], Århus Business School.


1999 Member of the committee for the phd dissertation “Cultures and natures. Cultural patterns, environmental orientations and outdoor recreational practices among Norwegian youth”, University of Oslo, Norway.



Member of other evaluation committees


2015  Member of peer review committee for Wageningen School of Social Sciences, Wageningen University, Holland.


2007 – Member of committees for post-docs, assistant professorships, associate professorships and professorships at Keele University, UK; Bristol University, UK; University of Copenhagen; Jyväskylä University, Finland; Roskilde University; University of Southern Denmark; and Ålborg University.



Organizational posts


2017 – Head of phd-program at Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen.


2015 Member of a committee to review the rectorate’s plan for reorganizing the departmental structure at Roskilde University.


2013 – 2016 Member of committee on external funding at CBIT, Roskilde University.


2012 Co-responsible for seminars on journal article writing for assistant professors and post doc’s at CBIT, Roskilde University.


2011 Member of the expert committee on teaching in theory of science and methods at the humanistic bachelor, Roskilde University.


2011 Member of the committee organizing the international research evaluation at Roskilde University.


2010 – 2012 Member of the board (with Margit Keller, Tartu University, Estonia and

Lydia Martens, Keele University, England) for the Research Network “Sociology of Consumption” under European Sociological Association (ESA).


2009 – 2012 Member of the Research Committee under the Academic Council, Roskilde University.


2007 – 2010 Co-convenor (with Tally Katz-Gerro, Haifa University, Israel and Lydia Martens, Keele University, England) of the Research Network “Sociology of Consumption” under European Sociological Association (ESA).


2004 – 2008 Member of the advisory board for phd-funding from Beredskabsstyrelsen [Danish Emergency Management Agency] to Communication Studies, Roskilde University.


1996 – 2004 Co-convenor (with Rolf Lidskog, Örebro University, Sweden) of the Research Network “Sociology of Environment and Risk” under Nordic Sociological Association (NSA).



Editorial activities

2018 – 2020 Co-editor (with Daniel Welch, Manchester University, UK and Margit Keller, Tartu University, Estonia) of special issue on “Reappraising the cultural in theories of practice in Cultural Sociology.


2015 – 2017 Co-editor (with Margit Keller, Tartu University, Estonia, Terhi-Anna Wilska, Jyväskylä University, Finland, and Monica Truninger, Lisboa University, Portugal) of The Routledge Handbook on Consumption.


2013 – 2015 Co-editor (with Margit Keller, Tartu University, Estonia and Terhi-Anna Wilska, Jyväskylä University, Finland) of special issue on sustainable consumption and practice theoretical approaches in Environmental Policy and Governance.


2011 – 13 Co-editor (with Lydia Martens, Keele University, England and Sarah Pink, RMIT, Australia) of special issue on researching habits in International Journal of Social Research Methodology.


2011 – Member of the editorial board for International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food.


2009 – 11 Co-editor (with Tally Katz-Gerro, Haifa University, Israel and Lydia Martens, Keele University, England) of special issue on practice theories in Journal of Consumer Culture.


2008 – 2009 Co-editor (with Magnus Boström, Södertörn University, Sweden; Johanna Mäkela, National Consumer Research Centre, Finland; and Laura Terragni, National Institute for Consumer Research, Norway) of special issue on consumer agency and sustainability in Anthropology of Food.


2005 – 2006 Co-editor (with Lotte Holm, Copenhagen University) of special issue on food risk and consumer trust in Europe in Appetite.


1990 – 2000 Member of the editorial board of the Danish social scientific journal GRUS.



Research networks and international exchange


2018 Research exchange with Manchester University, UK, including having professor Dale Southerton as visiting professor at University of Copenhagen.


2017-18 Visiting professor at Gothenburg University, Sweden.


2015 – Member of the network “Mad, samfund og kultur” [Food, society and culture] in Denmark.


2014 – Member of the section “Communication and Democracy” under European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA).


2012 Member of the section “Political Communication” under European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA).


2012 Coordinator of the section “Practice theoretical perspectives on consumption” under Nordic Conference for Consumer Research (NCCR).


2008 – Member of the section “Interpersonal Communication and Social Interaction” under European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA).


2003 – Member of “Miljøsociologisk netværk” [Network for Environmental Sociology] in Denmark.


2003 – 2005 Member of the network “Interdisciplinært netværk om politisk forbrug på fødevaremarkedet” [Interdisciplinary network on political consumption in relation to the food market] in Denmark.


1997 – Member of the Research Network “Sociology of Consumption” under European Sociological Association (ESA).


1996 – 2004 Member of the Research Network on “Sociology of Environment and Risk” under Nordic Sociological Association (NSA).



Selected conference papers and key notes


2018              "Methodological practicalities in comparative research"

                      - key note Department of Sociology, University of Lund, Sweden.

2017              “Doing proper food? Conceptualising mundane moralities in a so called ‘weak’ practice theoretical approach to food consumption”

                      - paper for European Sociological Association conference, Athens, Greece.

2017              ”Multiplicities or truisms in methods? Methodological families and debates in consumption research”

                      - key note Department of Sociology, University of Lisbon, Portugal.

2017              “Looking for and producing ‘public engagement’. Citizens’ connections with public issue campaigning”

                      - key note at the ESRC seminar series “New practices for new publics”, LSE, London.


2016              ”Doing proper food. Normative negotiations on food conduct”

                      - key note for the opening of the Centre for Foodculture Studies, Århus University.


2016              “Towards ever more diversification? Method families and debates in consumption research”

                      - key note for Sociology of Consumption, ESA, interim conference, Bologna.


2016              Comparing conveniencisation across four convenient ways of providing for food in everyday life”

                      - paper for RN, Sociology of Consumption, ESA, interim conference, Bologna.


2016    Meal box-schemes: A challenge for the category of convenience food?”

            - paper for the Nordic Conference on Consumer Research, Århus.


2015                “Civic engagement by invitation? Citizen negotiation about public media framings of everyday life responsibilities for societal problems

-paper for the conference “The democratic public sphere – current challenges and prospects”, Aarhus University


2015                “Communicating conveniencisation of cooking: Comparative analysis of how meal box-schemes are framed in four European countries”

                        - paper for European Sociological Association conference, Prague, Czech Republic


2015                “Hvordan generaliserer forskerne på basis af kvalitative data?” [How do researchers generalize on the basis of qualitative data]

                        - key note for the research consortium DREAM


2014                “Blame it on the individual? The framing of civic agency across diverse types of communication campaigns aimed at changing routines among consumer-citizens”

                        - paper for ECREA conference, Lisboa, Portugal


2014                “Applying practice theory: Young people and convenience food consumption”

                        - key note for research seminar on food and practice theories, Ålborg University


2014                “Negotiating consumer responsibility for political issues: Contested food consumption and everyday agency in a Danish context”

                        - paper for International Conference on Consumer Research, Bonn, Germany.


2014                “Post your pizzas, please! Convenience food consumption and media food among young Danish consumers”

                        - paper for RN, Sociology of Consumption, ESA, interim conference, Porto, Portugal.


2014                “Focus groups: Opportunities and limitations”

                        - key-note for the Nordic Conference in Nursing Research, Odense, Denmark.


2014                “Getting along with pizza-fication? The expectable and acceptable places of convenience food in everyday life among young Danes”

                        - paper for Nordic Conference on Consumer Research.


2013                “Doing green consumption while doing all sorts of other things. The challenge of the intersected character of everyday life”

                        - key-note for the international conference “Green consumerism – Exploring dilemmas of sustainable consumption”, University of Jyväskylä, Finland.


2013                “Consequences of normative contestation of food consumption in everyday life”

                        - paper for European Sociological Association (ESA) Conference, Turin, Italy.


2013                “Methodological consequences of integrating explicitly concepts of social interaction in practice theoretical approaches”

                        - paper for the international conference “From ‘practice turn’ to ‘praxeological mainstream’?”, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria.


2013                “Sundhedsproblematiseret mad i hverdagen” [Health contested food in everyday life]

                        - key-note for Steno Diabetes Centre, Copenhagen.


2013                “Do-ability and sustainability: A practice theoretical approach to agency in everyday life”

                        - key-note for Danish Sociology Congress, Roskilde, Denmark


2013                “Social consequences of cultural contestation of food consumption in everyday life”

                        - paper for the track “Reproduction and change of habits in everyday life” at Danish Sociology Congress, Roskilde, Denmark


2012                “Contested food and mothering. Relations with different genres of media food in everyday life”

                        - key note for the international symposium, “Media Food and Identity”, University of Copenhagen


2012                “Negotiating the politicization of everyday life”

                        - poster for the section Political Communication, ECREA Conference, Istanbul, Turkey


2012                “Consumption contestation through media discourse?”

                        - paper (with Margit Keller) for RN, Sociology of Consumption, ESA, interim conference, Berlin, Germany


2012                “Easy eating? Negotiating conveience food in media food practices

                         - paper at Nordic Conference on Consumer Research (NCCR), Gothenburg, Sweden


2011                ”Changes of consumption routines. Sustainability, communication campaigns and everyday life”

                        - key-note at the seminar ”Sustainable design between ethics and aesthetics”, University of Southern Denmark (with Danish Design Centre and Kolding School of Design)


2011                ”Consumption challenged. Food in medialised everyday lives”

                        - key note as ”Meet the author” at European Sociological Association (ESA) Conference, Geneva, Switzerland.


2011                ”Convenient media food?”

                        - paper for RN Sociology of Consumption, ESA Conference, Geneva, Switzerland.


2011                ”Praksisteori og metodologi. Analytiske oversættelser inden for forandrings-kommunikation” [Practice theories and methodology. Analytical translations in relation to change communication]

                        - key-note for the lecture series ”Praksisteorier” [Practice theories] under Forum for Samfundsvidenskabernes Filosofi [Forum for philosophy of the social sciences], University of Copenhagen.


2011              ”Mad-borgerskab? Regulering af forbrug via kommunikation”[Food citizenship? Regulation of consumption through communication]

- key-note for the Nordic symposium ”Regulering av Forbruk” [Regulation of consumption] at National Institute for Consumer Research (SIFO), Norway.


2010              ”Isabellas verden. Fra magasin til køkken”[Isabellas’ world. From magazine to kitchen]

            - key-note for the seminar ”Medie-mad” [Media Food] at Århus University.


2010             “Is the proof of the pudding only in the eating? Critical reflections upon the uses of practice theory in consumption research”

- paper for RN Sociology of Consumption, ESA interim workshop, Tartu University, Estonia.


2010             “How to conceptualize complexities within networks and at the same time identify types?”

- paper for cross disciplinary International Symposium on Social Network Analysis, Roskilde University


2010              “Challenging consumption – challenging motherhood?”

- key-note for the international seminar “Feeding motherhoods”, Royal Holloway University of London, England. A part of the ESRC funded seminar series “Motherhood, Markets and Consumption”


2009              “Doing normativities in food practices”

- key-note for the international seminar “Practices, Consumption and Taste”, CRIC, Manchester University, England


2009              ”At gøre sundere mad i hybridiserede madpraksisser. Madvaner og håndtering af ernæringsdiskurs blandt pakistanske danskere”[To do healthy food in hybridized food practices. Food habits and the handling of nutrional discourses among Pakistani Danes]

                      - key-note for seminar in the Research Network on Ethnic Minorities and Health, University of Southern Denmark


2009              “Butter in, butter fried, butter on top: Performing and positioning in relation to “healthier” food habits among Pakistani Danes”

                      - paper (with Iben Jensen) for ESA Conference, Lisboa, Portugal


2008              “Routine food activities and environmental challenges of consumption”

                      - key-note for the international seminar “Social Formation of Habits”, Institute for Sustainable Consumption, Manchester University, England


2008              “Conceptualising network communication from a practice theoretical perspective: Starting point in a case-study of food habits and nutritional communication”

                      - paper (with Iben Jensen) for ECREA Conference, Barcelona, Spain


2008    “Food performances and intercultural nutritional communication”

- paper (with Iben Jensen) for RN Sociology of Consumption, ESA interim workshop, Helsinki, Finland


2008              “Dealing with environmental challenges of consumption in food practices”

- paper for Norfa funded workshop “Can consumers save the world? Everyday food consumption and dilemmas of sustainability”, Helsinki, Finland


2007              "Suitable Cooking? Performances, Procedures and Positionings among Danish Women".

- paper for European Sociological Association (ESA) Conference, Glasgow, Scotland


2006    "Preserving Preserving? Cooking Practices in Medialised Society"

- paper for RN Sociology of Consumption, ESA interim workshop, Durham, England.


2004             "Discursive Framing of the Food Consumer"

                     - paper (with Lotte Holm and Annemette Nielsen) for Nordic Sociological Congress, Malmø, Sweden.

2004             “Food consumption and political agency”

- paper (with Lotte Holm) for RN Sociology of Consumption, ESA, interim workshop, Copenhagen

  1. The Challenge of Developing Concepts to Represent Empirical Complexities. The Use of Communiation in Everyday Life as Example”

    - paper for the seminar ”The Meeting Between Researcher end the Field: Methodological and Ethical Issues in Qualitative Studies”. Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen


  1. Consumption as Creolised Activities. The Blurring of the Distinction between Lived and Mediated Experiences as Example.”

  • paper for RN Sociology of Consumption, ESA interim workshop. Bergen, Norway


    2001              ”Food Consumption Between Routine and Politics – On Consumers’ Trust in the Food Sector”

    - paper (with Lotte Holm) for 3. Congress of the European Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics. Firenze, Italy


    2001    ”Danish consumers’ trust in food – first results of a survey”

    - paper (with Lotte Holm) for 2. Nordic-Russian Sociology of Consumption Workshop, St. Petersburg, Russia


    2001              ”How Political is Politicised Consumption? Risk-handling in Food Consumption as Example”

  • paper for International Seminar on Political Consumerism. University of Stockholm, Sweden


  1. ”Consuming Ambivalences in Everyday life”

  • paper for 1. Nordic-Russian Sociology of Consumption Worskhop. Helsinki, Finland


    1999    ”Handling the Risks of Consumption: Pleasure or Pest?”

  • paper for European Sociological Association Conference. Amsterdam, Holland


    1999              ”Risikohåndtering på Voksdugsdagsordenen” [Risk-handling at the kitchen-table agenda]

                          - paper for 20. Nordic Sociological Congress. Bergen, Norway


    1998              ”Everyday Life Strikes Back: Routinization or Reflexivity in Consumers Dealings with Normative Claims for Environmental Consideration?”

                          - paper for RN Sociology of Consumption, ESA interim workshop. Milano, Italy


    1997              ”Environmentally Friendly Consumption – Life Politics?”

                          - key-note for European Science Foundation research exchange, ”Consumption, Everyday Life and Sustainability” at Centre for the Study of Environmental Change. Lancaster University, England.

Short presentation

My research covers sociology of everyday life, consumption, knowledge, media and cultural sociology. At the moment, I teach "Sociological Project Design", "Sociology of consumption" and "Advanced methods for analysing qualitative data"

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being
  • SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy
  • SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • SDG 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production
  • SDG 13 - Climate Action

Education/Academic qualification


  • Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Consumption, contestation of food, everyday life practices, qualitative methods


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