Organisation profile

Organisation profile

Morphogenesis and Differentiation Program

Normal Breast Gland

Insight into morphogenesis and differentiation is crucial for the understanding of normal organ development as well as pathogenesis including development of cancer. This program focuses on the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms. Our research topics comprise proteins and lipids in membrane domains including their trafficking and sorting, receptors and cell signalling, and stem cell biology.

The program encompasses three key categories: Cellular and molecular characterization of membrane domains including lipid rafts, endocytosis, intracellular trafficking and function of membrane proteins and lipids.
Cellular and molecular characterization of membrane bound receptors, regulation of their associated signalling pathways, protein activity, and gene transcription.
Cellular and molecular characterization of stem cell niches and hierarchies as well as their role in tissue development, homeostasis, regeneration, and deregulation in cancer.

This research program aims to shed light on the molecular mechanisms underlying important aspects of cellular and molecular medicine, the basis of which may provide future improvement in regenerative and cancer therapy


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