title = "New challenges for public services social dialogue: National Report Denmark",
abstract = "This is the national report on Denmark to the country comparative project New Challenges for Public Services: Integrating Service User and Workforce In-volvement to Support Responsive Public Services in Tough Times.The project examines service user involvement and how it is related to tradi-tional forms of social dialogue in five European countries. Furthermore, the project examines how employers and trade unions are responding to recent de-velopments in the countries.",
author = "Hansen, {Nana Wesley} and Mikkel Mailand",
year = "2015",
month = feb,
language = "English",
isbn = "9788791833984",
volume = "142",
series = "FAOS Forskningsnotat",
publisher = "FAOS, Sociologisk Institut, K{\o}benhavns Universitet",
number = "142",
edition = "FAOS research paper",