"Guds Israel" i Gal 6,16 og "hele Israel" i Rom 11,26: Til spørgsmålet om den kristne menighed som det sande Israel i Det Nye Testamente og den ældste kirke

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Earlier interpreters claimed two possibilities with respect to the expression "God's Israel" in Galatians 6,16: Either it was the Christians irrespective of their ethnical descendence, or it was the Jewish Christians. In the later years a third possibility has made its appearance, namely that it is the real Israel which Paud then has not forgotten and the destiny of which he returns to in Romans 9-11. This article argues that only the first solution corresponds to Paul's thinking where nobody reach salvation without a faith in Christ working through love. Thus there is only one candidate to the title "God's Israel" and that is the church.

TidsskriftDansk Teologisk Tidsskrift
Udgave nummer3
Sider (fra-til)282-298
Antal sider17
StatusUdgivet - 6 sep. 2015
