title = "Clasificaci{\'o}n de vinos de la D.O.Ca. rioja empleando resonancia mangn{\'e}tica nuclear de prot{\'o}n y t{\'e}cnicas quimiom{\'e}tricas",
author = "Eva L{\'o}pez-Rituerto and {H{\'e}ctor Busto}, Jes{\'u}s and Alberto Avenoza and {Manuel Peregrina}, Jes{\'u}s and Engelsen, {S{\o}ren Balling} and Francesco Savorani",
year = "2010",
language = "Spansk",
isbn = "978-84-8125-336-8",
booktitle = "Foro mundial del vino",
publisher = "Gobierno de La Rioja",
note = "VII Foro Mundial del Vino ; Conference date: 12-05-2010 Through 14-05-2010",