title = "Characterisation of plant residue quality for prediction of decomposition and nitrogen release in agricultural soils",
author = "T. Salo and B. Stenberg and C. Lundstr{\"o}m and Jensen, {Lars Stoumann} and Sander Bruun and Anders Pedersen and T.A. Breland and T. Henriksen and A. Korsaeth and F. Palmason and J. Gudmondsson",
note = "V{\ae}rtspublikationsredakt{\o}rer: F. Tei V{\ae}rtspublikationsredakt{\o}rer: P. Benincasa V{\ae}rtspublikationsredakt{\o}rer: M. Guiducci Serie: Acta Horticulturae, ISHS, 700 Sider: 57-62; International Society of Horticultural Science : Towards Ecologically Sound Fertilisation Strategies for Field Vegetable Production ; Conference date: 07-06-2004 Through 10-06-2004",
year = "2006",
language = "English",