Adaptions of ArcGIS' Linear Referencing System to the Coastal Environment


For many years it has been problematic to store information for the coastal environment in a GIS. However, a system named "Linear referencing System" based upon a dynamic segmentation principle implemented in ESRIs ArcGIS 9 software has now made it possible to store and analyze information referenced to the coastline. This presentation  demonstrates how to initialize this system, how to incorporate data into it and how to perform analysis queries hereon.
TitelESRI Users Conference Proceedings 2008
ForlagESRI Press
StatusUdgivet - 2008
BegivenhedAdaptions of ArcGIS' Linear Referencing System to the Coastal Environment -
Varighed: 29 nov. 2010 → …


KonferenceAdaptions of ArcGIS' Linear Referencing System to the Coastal Environment
Periode29/11/2010 → …


  • Det Natur- og Biovidenskabelige Fakultet
  • GIS
  • kyst information


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