Personlig profil

Kort præsentation

 Research interests

My research focuses on modelling and explanation in systems biology as well as the epistemic and social implications of personalized medicine and health technologies.

I work as assistant professor at the Section for History and Philosophy of Science at Department of Science Education. Moreover, I’m part of the research project “Personalized Medicine in the Welfare State”, MeInWe, at the Center for Medical Science and Technology Studies in Copenhagen (PI: Mette Nordahl Svendsen). In this context, I explore how and whether more “precise” health-related knowledge about individuals can be established from data on the many, and how notions of health, disease and the person are shaped through data. Moreover, I am interested in how intensified data sourcing influences biomedical research and health practices.

My research interests also include the combination and interplay of resources (data, models etc.) from different disciplinary frameworks in the life sciences. I’m an active member of SPSP, PSA, and EPSA, where I hope to build new bridges between philosophy of science and neighboring fields such as history of science, science education, sociology of science but also between philosophers and practicing scientists.

You can also find me on Academia and Research gate.  


About me

I have a background in philosophy and biology and a PhD in Science Studies from Aarhus University. The PhD project explored the philosophical implications of research strategies in systems biology, with special focus on the quest for general principles of biological organization and the application of engineering approaches to study living systems. In the academic year of 2014/2015 I was a postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Philosophy of Science at University of Pittsburgh. 


Teaching and supervision

I teach philosophy of science courses for science students from biology and the chemical sciences. I supervise projects on philosophy of biology and medicine and co-supervise projects on science communication. 


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