Data for the manuscript 'Cover crop root morphology rather than quality controls the fate of root and rhizodeposition C into distinct soil C pools'

Data set


Data for manuscript The data provided in the present document corresponds to the manuscript: Engedal, T., Magid, J., Hansen, V., Rasmussen, J., Sørensen, H., Jensen, L. S. (2023): Cover crop root morphology rather than quality controls the fate of root and rhizodeposition C into distinct soil C pools. Global Change Biology, in press. Short abstract In order to investigate the fate of cover crop-derived belowground C as rhizodeposition and, over time, into the distinct soil organic carbon pools of particulate- and mineral-associated organic carbon (POC and MAOC), a column trial was esblished with 0.25 m top soil and 0.25 m sub soil. Four cover crops were grown for 3 months and 14CO2-labelled twice a week. Four out of eight replicate columns were destructively harvested to quantify root C and the carbon lost via rhizodeposition in absolute (qClvR) and relative terms (%ClvR) in bulk soil and rhizosphere soil from top- and subsoil (t1). The other four replicate columns were harvested for undisturbed incubation for one year, before final sampling (t2). Bulk soil from both sampling times were subject to a simple fractionation protocol by size, where particles larger from 50 microns were assigned to POC and smaller than 50 microns assigned to MAOC after dispersion in NaHMP. All fractions were dried, weighed and analyzed for 14C activity as disintegrations per minute (DPM). Further details Column ID 1-16 refer to columns sampled at t1, while column ID 17-32 refer to columns sampled at t2. Underlying assumptions and detailed descriptions of the different fractions are to be found in the manuscript.
Dato for tilgængelighed2023
