Urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor

Keld Dano (Inventor), Francesco Blasi (Inventor), Louring Roldan, Ann (Inventor), Vittoria Cubellis, Maria (Inventor), Teresa Masucci, Maria (Inventor), Ettore Appella, (Inventor), Wolf-Dieter Schleuning, (Inventor), Niels Behrendt (Inventor), Ebbe Ronne (Inventor), Peter Kristensen (Inventor), Jari Pollanen, (Inventor), Eeva-Marjatta Salonen, (Inventor), W Stephens, Ross (Inventor), Hannele Tapiovaara, (Inventor), Antti Vaheri, (Inventor), Birk Moller Lisbeth (Inventor), Vincent Ellis (Inventor), Roge Lund Leif (Inventor), Michael Ploug (Inventor), Charles Pyke (Inventor)Laszlo Patthy (Inventor)


    A polypeptide presenting an epitope cross-reactive with an epitope of urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor, and/or having uPA binding activity, is described.

    Original languageEnglish
    IPCA61K 38/ 00 A N
    Patent numberUS2003027981
    Priority date08/01/2001
    Priority numberUS20010755109
    Publication statusPublished - 6 Feb 2003


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