title = "Up, down, in & out: Following the Path in speech and gesture in Danish and Italian",
keywords = "Faculty of Humanities, Gesture , Motion events, Danish, Italian, Typologisk lingvistik",
author = "Wessel-Tolvig, {Bj{\o}rn Nicola}",
year = "2014",
month = jun,
day = "24",
language = "English",
isbn = "978-91-7519-266-6",
volume = "101",
series = "NEALT (Northern European Association of Language Technology) Proceedings Series",
booktitle = "Proceedings from the 1st European Symposium on Multimodal Communication",
note = "1th European Symposium on Multimodal Communication ; Conference date: 17-10-2013 Through 18-10-2013",