Understanding and Controlling Crosstalk between Parallel Molecular Wires

M. G. Reuter, Gemma Clare Solomon, T. Hansen, T. Seideman, M. A. Ratner

26 Citations (Scopus)


Cooperative effects between molecular wires affect conduction through the wires, and studies have yet to clarify the conditions under which these effects enhance (diminish) conduction. Using a simple but general model, we attribute this crosstalk to the duality of energetic splitting and phase interference between the wires? conduction channels. In most cases, crosstalk increases (decreases) conductance when the Fermi level is far from (close to) an isolated wire's resonance. Finally, we discuss strategies for controlling crosstalk between parallel molecular wires.

Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Physical Chemistry Letters
Issue number14
Pages (from-to)1667-1671
Publication statusPublished - 21 Jul 2011


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