title = "'To prescribe or not to prescribe' is not the only question:: Physician attitudes towards antibiotics and prescription practices in Spain",
keywords = "Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, antimicrobial resistance, Doctor-patient communication, Spain, antibiotic resistance, physician attitudes, doctor-patient relationship, Interviews, qualitative research",
author = "{de Oliveira}, {Sandi Michele} and Nieves Hern{\'a}ndez-Flores",
year = "2019",
language = "English",
isbn = "978-3-319-90655-3",
pages = "79--93",
editor = "Jensen, {Carsten Str{\o}by} and Nielsen, {S{\o}ren Beck} and Lars Fynbo",
booktitle = "Risking Antimicrobial Resistance",
publisher = "Palgrave Macmillan",
address = "United Kingdom",