title = "The {"}curse of animal disease{"} and the {"}curse of dimensionality{"}: a new decision support framework for the control of foot-an-mouth disease epidemics",
keywords = "Former LIFE faculty, System dynamics and theory, risk analysis and management, economic modelling",
author = "L. Ge and Kristensen, {Anders Ringgaard} and M. Mourits and R. Huirne",
year = "2006",
language = "English",
series = "Journal of Agricultural Science",
publisher = "Cambridge University Press",
editor = "L.M. Pl{\`a}",
booktitle = "Ikke angivet",
address = "United Kingdom",
note = "Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Operational Research in Agricultural and Forest Management ; Conference date: 03-07-2006 Through 05-07-2006",