title = "The Place of Burials in the European Mesolithic: A re-examination. I: McCartan, S., R. Schulting, G. Warren & P. Woodman (eds.) Mesolithic Horizons, Papaers presented at the Seventh International Conference on the Mesolithic in Europe, Belfast 2005",
keywords = "Faculty of Humanities, Archeology, European Mesolithic, Burials",
author = "Petersen, {Erik Brinch}",
year = "2009",
language = "English",
isbn = "1-84217-311-1",
pages = "639--649",
editor = "Sinead MacCarton",
booktitle = "Mesolithic horizons : papers presented at the Seventh International Conference on the Mesolithic in Europe, Belfast, 2005",
publisher = "Left Coast Press",