title = "The Female Christ at the Stock Exchange",
abstract = "En diskussion af sammenh{\ae}ngen mellem Lene Adler Petersen og Bj{\o}rn N{\o}rgaards aktion {\textquoteleft}Den kvindelige kristus p{\aa} B{\o}rsen{\textquoteright} og frigivelsen af billedpornografien i Danmark i 1969.",
keywords = "Faculty of Humanities, Kunst, Kunsthistorie, Aktionisme, Bj{\o}rn N{\o}rgaard, Lene Adler Petersen, B{\o}rsaktionen, Den kvindelige kristus, Pornografi",
author = "Rune Gade",
year = "2016",
language = "English",
isbn = "978-90-04-31049-0",
series = "Avant Garde Critical Studies",
publisher = "Brill",
pages = "64--70",
editor = "Tania {\O}rum and Jesper Olsson",
booktitle = "A Cultural History of the Avant-Garde in the Nordic Countries 1950-1975",
address = "Netherlands",