The DNA gyrase-quinolone complex. ATP hydrolysis and the mechanism of DNA cleavage

S C Kampranis, A Maxwell

89 Citations (Scopus)


Quinolone binding to the gyrase-DNA complex induces a conformational change that results in the blocking of supercoiling. Under these conditions gyrase is still capable of ATP hydrolysis which now proceeds through an alternative pathway involving two different conformations of the enzyme (Kampranis, S. C., and Maxwell, A. (1998) J. Biol. Chem. 269, 22606-22614). The kinetics of ATP hydrolysis via this pathway have been studied and found to differ from those of the reaction of the drug-free enzyme. The quinolone-characteristic ATPase rate is DNA-dependent and can be induced in the presence of DNA fragments as small as 20 base pairs. By observing the conversion of the ATPase rate to the quinolone characteristic rate, the formation and dissociation of the gyrase-DNA-quinolone complex can be monitored. Comparison of the time dependence of the conversion of the gyrase ATPase with that of DNA cleavage reveals that formation of the gyrase-DNA-quinolone complex does not correspond to the formation of cleaved DNA. Quinolone-induced DNA cleavage proceeds via a mechanism consisting of two cleavage events that is modulated in the presence of a nucleotide cofactor. We demonstrate that quinolone binding and drug-induced DNA cleavage are separate processes constituting two sequential steps in the mechanism of action of quinolones on DNA gyrase.

Original languageEnglish
JournalThe Journal of Biological Chemistry
Issue number35
Pages (from-to)22615-26
Number of pages12
Publication statusPublished - 28 Aug 1998


  • Adenosine Triphosphate
  • DNA
  • DNA Topoisomerases, Type II
  • Hydrolysis
  • Kinetics
  • Protein Binding
  • Quinolones


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