The Danish contribution to the European DEMOCOPHES project: A description of cadmium, cotinine and mercury levels in Danish mother-child pairs and the perspectives of supplementary sampling and measurements
Thit A Mørck, Flemming Nielsen, Jeanette K S Nielsen, Janne F Jensen, Pernille W Hansen, Anne K Hansen, Lea Arregui Nordahl Christoffersen, Volkert D Siersma, Ida H Larsen, Linette K Hohlmann, Mette T Skaanild, Hanne Frederiksen, Pierre Biot, Ludwine Casteleyn, Marike Kolossa-Gehring, Gerda Schwedler, Argelia Castaño, Jürgen Angerer, Holger M Koch, Marta EstebanGreet Schoeters, Elly Den Hond, Karen Exley, Ovnair Sepai, Louis Bloemen, Reinhard Joas, Anke Joas, Ulrike Fiddicke, Ana Lopez, Ana Cañas, Dominique Aerts, Lisbeth E. Knudsen
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