Standardization in the ICT: towards ever closer union between SSOs and Patent offices?


It is commonplace to consider standardization as an ecosystem prone to the risk of a patent holdup. Whereas the potential of the patent holders’ overcompensation is present in a variety of multi-component industries, standard-setting organizations can, in fact, be employed to mitigate such risk. This paper explores the models, benefits and costs of the cooperation between standard setting organizations and patent offices. It appears that possible collaboration can increase efficiency and transparency of standard setting organizations. Additionally, it has a potential to enhance the quality of patents and prevent the risk of widespread patent holders’ overcompensation.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2016
Publication statusIn preparation - 2016
EventIEEE-SIIT 2015 The 9th International Conference on Standardization and Innovation in Information Technology - California, USA
Duration: 6 Oct 20158 Oct 2015


ConferenceIEEE-SIIT 2015 The 9th International Conference on Standardization and Innovation in Information Technology
LocationCalifornia, USA
Internet address


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