Smart indoor climate control in precision livestock farming

Guoqiang Zhang, Bjarne Schmidt Bjerg, Xiaoshuai Wang

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    One of the major objectives of precision livestock farming (PLF) is to provide an optimal thermal climate control in the animal occupant zones for promoting animal production and wellbeing. To achieve this goal, smart climate models that reflect the needs of different animal species and ages or feasible sensor techniques that can measure animal felt thermal environment are essential. Ideally, such a model should be able to integrate the effects of air temperature,
    humidity, air speed (including turbulence) and thermal radiation on animal thermal comfort/wellbeing, and consequently, animal productions. In this paper, models defined as effective/equivalent felt temperature for different farm animals are introduced and discussed. Using such a felt temperature would be valuable for control of ventilation, cooling facilities, and air speed in animal occupant zone (AOZ) to achieve desired thermal condition in AOZ. In addition, the paper presents a fundamental principle of development of an integrated indoor climate sensor to reflect animal thermal wellbeing and techniques that could be used for a smart system design and control are discussed.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the 1st Asian Conference on precision livestock farming
    Number of pages4
    Publication date2016
    Publication statusPublished - 2016
    Event1st Asian Conference on Precision Livestock Farming - Beijing, China
    Duration: 9 Sept 201611 Sept 2016
    Conference number: 1


    Conference1st Asian Conference on Precision Livestock Farming


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