title = "Salmonella in pork (SALINPORK): pre-harvest and harvest control options based on epidemiologic, diagnostic and economic research",
author = "{Lo Fo Wong}, {D. M. A.} and T. Hald and Nielsen, {J. P.} and P. Willeberg",
note = "Kode for udgivelsesland: 'dk'; Dinas Forskerskole : workshop den 4.-5. december 1997, Fugls{\o}centret, Knebel ; Conference date: 29-11-2010",
year = "1997",
language = "Dansk",
pages = "23",
editor = "{Ringgaard Kristensen}, A.",
booktitle = "Dina notat",
publisher = "Den Kongelige Veterin{\ae}r- og Landboh{\o}jskole, Institut for Husdyrbrug og Husdyrsundhed, Dinas Forskerskole",
edition = "62",