Rotation-induced grain growth and stagnation in phase-field crystal models

Mathias Bjerre, Jens Magelund Tarp, Luiza Angheluta, Joachim Mathiesen

17 Citations (Scopus)


We consider grain growth and stagnation in polycrystalline microstructures. From the phase-field crystal modeling of the coarsening dynamics, we identify a transition from a grain-growth stagnation upon deep quenching below the melting temperature Tm to a continuous coarsening at shallower quenching near Tm. The grain evolution is mediated by local grain rotations. In the deep quenching regime, the grain assembly typically reaches a metastable state where the kinetic barrier for recrystallization across boundaries is too large and grain rotation with subsequent coalescence or boundary motion is infeasible. For quenching near Tm, we find that the grain growth depends on the average rate of grain rotation, and follows a power-law behavior with time, with a scaling exponent that depends on the quenching depth.

Original languageEnglish
Article number020401
JournalPhysical Review E (Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics)
Issue number2
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 15 Aug 2013


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