Roller coaster: Distinctive prosodic cuing of turns preempting rejection resistance

Mie Femø Nielsen*, David Jackson Morris

*Corresponding author for this work


This paper explores the linkage between intonation nested in conversation turns where the speaker is introducing something delicate (e.g., presenting information liable to provoke distancing) or pre-empting resistance to their proposal when there is a strong risk of rejection. These movements, which appear prosodically marked, deviate not only from the local context of the conversation, but from the conversation as a whole. A speech acoustic analysis of three examples of prosodic signalling within these turns suggests that speakers employ a distinct design and delivery which includes a high terminal peak in the intonation contour. We interpret this signalling to represent responsive and resistant local social actions in a rejection implicative sequential environment. Finally, they show evidence of being pre-planned and important to the speaker.

Original languageEnglish
JournalInternational Journal of Applied Linguistics (United Kingdom)
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2019


  • Intonation
  • politeness
  • preempting
  • prosody
  • rejection
  • resistance


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