title = "Reed canary grass project (Phalaris arundinacea): Development of a new crop production system based on delayed harvesting and a system for its combined processing to chemical pulp and bio fuel powder. Contract no. AIR3-CT94-2465. Final report",
author = "Staffan Landstr{\"o}m and Calle Nilsson and Schade, {Jan Robert} and Bo L{\"o}fquist and Leena Paavilainen and Jorma Tulppala and Michael Finell and Heikki Oravainen and Susanne Paulrud and Morten Gylling and Pedersen, {S{\o}ren M.}",
editor = "Rolf Olsson",
year = "2004",
language = "English",
series = "BTK-rapport",
number = "2004:7",
publisher = "Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Enheten f{\"o}r Biomassateknologi och Kemi",