title = "Possibilities for sustainable increase of Danish produced woody biomass 2010-2100",
author = "Lars Graudal and Nielsen, {Ulrik Bra{\"u}ner} and Erik Schou and Thorsen, {Bo Jellesmark} and Hansen, {Jon Kehlet} and Bentsen, {Niclas Scott} and Johannsen, {Vivian Kvist}",
year = "2014",
language = "English",
isbn = "978-91-981682-0-4 ",
series = "SLU Forest Products - Proceedings ",
pages = "5--10",
editor = "Roos, {Anders } and Kleinschmit, {Daniela } and Toppinen, {Anne } and Sjur Baardsen and Lindstad, {Berit Hauger } and Thorsen, { Bo Jellesmark }",
booktitle = "Conference Proceedings Nordic Workshop “The forest sector in the bio-based economy – perspectives from policy and economic sciences”",
publisher = "Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet (SLU)",
note = "Nordic Workshop “The forest sector in the bio-based economy – perspectives from policy and economic sciences” ; Conference date: 28-08-2013 Through 29-08-2013",