On the Modular Combinatorial Synthesis of NHC Palladium Peptides and their use as Artificial Enzyme Mimics: Catalytic peptides as Nanomedicines towards treatment of neurodegenerative diseases


A novel Lego® building block approach has been developed for facile incorporation of Nheterocyclic carbenes (NHC) into peptide side-chains in conjunction with auxiliary ligands, such as pyridine and triazoles. The methodology uses the CuAAC click reaction to incorporate NHC precursors after or during peptide assembly followed by palladium complexation on solid support. Various model catalysts were synthesized and subsequently tested for hydrolytic activity on the nucleating peptide sequence in amyloid Aβ42 - (Aβ14-24 HQKLVFFAEDV) - to investigate possible cleavage conditions on-bead and in solution. Based on the developed sequential-modular peptide assembly strategy combinatorial one-bead two compound catalyst libraries have been synthesized and probed toward their on-bead activity in hydrolyzing the fluorescence quenched target sequence (Abz)-Pra-HQKLVFFAEDVY(NO2)G in aqueous solution. Possible hit catalysts were indicated by the increased fluorescence of individual beads and subjected to linker cleavage followed by single bead MS/MS analysis. The sequence determination allowed re-synthesis of the supposed active catalysts, which were probed again toward the substrate in various solution assays indicating condition dependent hydrolytic activity. Employing the evolved catalyst motifs towards the target substrate did not provide unambiguous evidence for site-selective hydrolysis of the target substrate. The chosen sequence surprisingly was found to exhibit high autoproteolytic activity in a wide concentration range (10 – 800 M) under various buffer conditions from ambient temperature to 37 C. These unique observations were repetitively made in a number of hydrolysis experiments in which any possible measures were undertaken to exclude microbial and external proteases contaminations. The discovered phenomenon is conceived a novel type of autoproteolytic cascade reaction. Apparently, some of the developed Pd-NHC peptides are able to initiate the cascade of amyloid autohydrolysis and can have an impact on the selectivity of the reaction. Independently from the employed catalysts, a general amino endopeptidase cleavage was observed along the hydrophobic core of the terminal modified amyloid Aβ14-24.The herein presented one-bead two compound library methodology provides tools for the combinatorial finding and evolutionary refinement of Pd-NHC peptide catalysts suitable for selective peptide cleavage in disease related proteins. En nyt Lego® byggestenstilgangen for facile inkorporering af N-heterocykliske carbener (NHC) i peptidsidekæder sammen med supplerende ligander såsom pyridin og triazoler er blevet udviklet. Metoden bruger CuAAC klik reaktion at indarbejde NHC forløber efter eller under peptid samling Efterfulgt af palladium kompleksdannelse på fast støtte. Forskellige model katalysatorer er blevet anvendt på Suzuki-koblingsreaktioner for at vurdere deres anvendelighed i katalyse med reducerede katalysatorfyldninger under milde betingelser, og deres potentielle anvendelse i sted-selektiv transformationer af biologiske interessante molekyler. Endvidere har modellen katalysatorer testet for hydrolytisk aktivitet på kimdannende peptidsekvens i Amyloid- β (1-42) for at undersøge mulige spaltningsbetingelser på vulst og i opløsning. Baseret på de udviklede sekventiel-modulær peptid samling strategi kombinatoriske én-bead to sammensatte katalysatorbiblioteker er blevet syntetiseret og undersøgt mod deres on-bead aktivitet i hydrolyse af fluorescens quenchet målsekvens (Abz) A (PRA) HQKLVFFAEDVY (NO2) G i vandig løsning. Mulige hit katalysatorer blev indikeret ved den forøgede fluorescens af individuelle perler og underkastet linkerspaltning efterfulgt af enkelt vulst MSMS analyse. Sekvensen bestemmelse tillod re-syntese af de formodede aktive katalysatorer, som igen blev probet mod substratet i forskellige løsning assays indikerer betingelse afhængig hydrolytisk aktivitet. Under anvendelse af de udviklede katalysatorer nærværende arbejde kunne ikke gives entydige beviser for site-selektiv hydrolyse af mål-substratet da den valgte sekvens overraskende viste sig at udvise høj autoproteolytisk aktivitet i et bredt koncentrationsområde (< 20 - 600 M) under forskellige pufferbetingelser fra omgivelsestemperatur til 37 C som hurtig hydrolyse i forskellige negative kontrolprøver assays foreslå. Den heri præsenteres en perle/vulst to stofbibliotek metode giver værktøjer til den kombinatoriske fund og evolutionær videreudvikling af Pd-NHC peptid katalysatorer egnede til selektiv peptid spaltning i sygdomsrelaterede proteiner.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherDepartment of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen
Publication statusPublished - 2018


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