Occurrence of zoonotic nematodes Pseudoterranova decipiens, Contracaecum osculatum and Anisakis simplex in cod (Gadus morhua) from the Baltic Sea

Foojan Mehrdana, Qusay Zuhair Mohammad Bahlool, Jakob Skov, Moonika Haahr Marana, Diana Sindberg, Mai Mundeling, Bettina C. Overgaard, Rozalia Korbut, Sverri B. Strøm, Per Walter Kania, Kurt Buchmann

    56 Citations (Scopus)


    Baltic cod Gadus morhua (a total of total 224 specimens) captured east of the island of Bornholm in the southern Baltic Sea were subjected to a parasitological investigation between March 2013 and April 2014. Full artificial digestion of fillets from 188 cod and additional investigation of livers from 36 cod were performed. Cod or seal worm Pseudoterranova decipiens was recorded in musculature (prevalences up to 55% and intensities up to 56 worms per fish) associated with a negative correlation between worm intensity and condition factor. Liver worm Contracaecum osculatum (100% prevalence with intensities up to 320 worms per fish) in liver tissue were recorded but only a slight negative correlation between intensity and condition factor was noted. Seals act as final host for both worm species and the increased occurrence during recent years is associated with the increasing grey seal population in the area. Infection with Anisakis simplex (the herring or whale worm) in Baltic cod was found at a low level corresponding to previous studies.

    Original languageEnglish
    JournalVeterinary Parasitology
    Issue number3-4
    Pages (from-to)581-587
    Number of pages7
    Publication statusPublished - 2014


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