Non-adiabatic effects in electron tunneling in molecular junctions

Vladimiro Mujica*, Thorsten Hansen, Mark A. Ratner

*Corresponding author for this work


Most models on electron transport in molecular junctions implicitly assume that there is only one potential energy surface (PES) involved in transport. The current and/or the voltage across the junction may invalidate this assumption in a number of important situations. We recently developed a model for the description of STM-induced unimolecular surface reactions as an electronic cotunneling process that takes explicitly into account the possibility of coupling of two PES via the interaction between the molecule and the electrode as described by the self-energy. In this contribution we extend our model in the framework of a theory of nonadiabatic tunneling developed by Zhu and Lin. Our results may be of importance in the context and current and voltage-induced processes in nano-junctions and also on a more fundamental level to broaden our understanding of the relationship between molecular conductance and electron transfer reactions.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationComputation in Modern Science and Engineering - Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Methods in Science and Engineering 2007 (ICCMSE 2007)
Number of pages3
Publication date1 Dec 2007
ISBN (Print)9780735404786
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2007
EventInternational Conference on Computational Methods in Science and Engineering 2007, ICCMSE 2007 - Corfu, Greece
Duration: 25 Sept 200730 Sept 2007


ConferenceInternational Conference on Computational Methods in Science and Engineering 2007, ICCMSE 2007
SponsorEur. Soc. Comput. Methods Sci. Eng. ESCMSE, Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs, E4 Computer Engineering


  • Electron transport
  • Molecular junctions
  • Non-adiabatic


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