title = "Multidisciplinary approach to constrain often inaccurate estimates of groundwater fluxes to and from seepage lakes",
author = "Bertel Nilsson and Engesgaard, {Peter Knudegaard} and Kidmose, {Jacob Baarstr{\o}m} and Sachin Karan and Zibar, {Majken Caroline Looms} and Boldreel, {Lars Ole} and Hansen, {A. L.} and I.K.H. Wodschow",
year = "2009",
language = "English",
note = "2nd International Multidisciplinary Conference on Hydrology and Ecology. Ecosystems interfacing with groundwater and surface water. Vienna, Austria, 20-23. April 2009 ; Conference date: 20-04-2009 Through 23-04-2009",